Old Ghosts

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Niccolo: Are you sure this is the place?

Y/n: Should be, Heltok said it was the big red brick manor 13 miles south of the city.

Niccolo: How are we sure that it's this one?

Floch: Do you see any other big manor houses around?

Niccolo: I don't want to risk breaking into some random person's house!

Floch: Well then maybe you should have stayed back on the boat.

Y/n: Enough both of you, you're being too loud. If you keep it up they'll hear us.

I peeked above the bush I was using as cover to look down on the estate. The crisp summer's air carried a sweet scent to it and the glowing sunset sparkled on the sea which the glamorous red brick manor overlooked with its marble veranda giving a vantage point to the white sandy beach. The fancy and well-kept lawns which sprawled from the high hill down to the shoreline echoed this sense of peace and prosperity, the intricate marble water fountains gurgling and splashing in the humid evening.

Y/n: He certainly lives well doesn't he?

Niccolo: We all did back in our old lives...but this is a new level. Are you ready to see him again?

Y/n: No...but I have to, so there's no use complaining about it.

Floch: How long are we going to wait here? We took too long in that city.

Y/n: We needed to make sure we weren't spotted by the guards. You saw how many there were on the docks, you heard the distant echoes of the artillery. The war isn't far away from us, the frontline is only 30 miles north. They were vigilant for a reason. I can only imagine what it's going to be like after this...

Niccolo looked up at me from his sitting position at the base of the tree a few metres to my right. He was slumped over, playing with his hands anxiously and had a deathly pale complexion which contrasted the dark clothes that he was wearing. He opened his mouth but shut it quickly when he caught me looking at him.

Floch: Sir, how long are we going to be here?

Y/n: Not much longer Floch. We need to preserve as much energy as we can, walking 13 miles in the Marleyan summer took a toll on me and I'd rather not pass out when we begin to question. I also want to make sure the staff are out of the way, it's almost 7:30 pm, and they should be eating dinner together soon. We don't need any extra casualties.

Floch: If they get in the way they get in the way. Who cares? It would probably be easier to play this off as a crazed murderer on the loose if we just-

Niccolo:- You would kill countless innocent people just so it would be a little easier for you to lie?

Floch: I'd blow up the whole city if it meant things ran more smoothly. These Marleyan's mean nothing to me. After what they did to us, after what they did to my people in the last century, they are all acceptable casualties.

I sighed and slowly shook my head before returning to peek over the bush, watching for any signs of movement which were sure to follow. The meeting should be over soon. Niccolo let out a few splutters of what I suspected to be horror but other than that nobody said another word. It was clear that it would be pointless, unfortunately, most now thought as Floch did. The island had embraced the anti-Marleyan sentiment fully, you would be hard pressed to find anything positive being uttered about Marley but it wasn't as if I could blame them. Floch and his...extreme opinions had massive sway over the new recruits, even those who weren't in his squad looked up to him and followed him. I had long since tried to dissuade the viewpoint he held to the masses, but it was no use. They accepted me because I fought for them because I bled for them and made the island my home. They did not accept me because I was a Marleyan, something synonymous with demons in Paradisian society. I would be fighting against the tide Paradis was swimming down, all I could hope for is that the war would be wrapped up before either side had the opportunity to strike a devastating blow and tensions could at least cool a bit.

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