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Doctor: So how are you today Y/N?

It had been several days since Trost and I had been diagnosed with a minor fracture in my rib and several smaller wounds made by the glass. The doctors said it wasn't a serious injury and I would be able to move around and fight with tight bandages on soon, but I was to rest until I was due to select my regiment, that being later today.

Y/N: Better, I feel like I should be able to walk around now with not much pain.

Doctor: Well you can try after your visitors.

Y/N: Visitors? Sasha and Connie came by yesterday and said they would see me at the selection, who could it be?

Y/N: Who is it?

Doctor: Well you have a visit from a young cadet named Marco Bodt and then you have two visitors from the Scouts. Quite high ranking ones as well, not sure how you've landed yourself amongst them before the selection.

Y/N: Do they know? Do they want answers from me? Surely not, they can't know I haven't said anything.

Doctor: I'll bring them in now shall I?

Y/N: Yes, can you bring in Marco first?

The doctor nodded and left the room, quietly shutting the door behind her which left me to my own thoughts.

Y/N: I know exactly what Marco wants. Stick to the same story as Reiner and hopefully he buys it. If not... well Reiner might get his way after all.

The door opened as Marco quietly stepped into the room, he looked conflicted and nervous as he approached me. He hadn't been to see me like everyone else had so he has to suspect something, well everyone bar Eren I don't even know where he is right now.

Marco: Heyyy.... Y/N.

He took the empty chair next to my bed and slowly sat down, his eyes locked on my face the entire time.

Y/N: Hey.

Marco: So, how are you doing?

Y/N: Better, I can try to walk later and once I can do that adequately they said I can go to the selection.

Marco: Well there are two people from the scouts outside, they're eager to see you I think they want to ask you something. Maybe you will get to choose before any of us.

Y/N: Shit, they must know.

Y/N: Have you chosen?

Marco: I was speaking about it with Jean and... and I think I don't want to join the MP's anymore. I just cant stand by and watch as humanity is lost to the titans, there has to be something we can do and I don't want to anyone else to suffer the fate of all those we lost in Trost. So I think...I'm going to join the scouts. Jean agrees with me and I think everyone else does as well, they might have their own reasons but everyone's at least seriously contemplating it over the MP's now.

Y/N: What! No, none of you need to join the scouts! You're all top ten! Just take the easy life in the interior.

Marco: Well Reiner is set on it as well, he says you are now too. So why try to dissuade us? I thought you wanted us all to stick together, we are friends right?

Y/N: Yeah, but I don't want you risking your necks for something that doesn't even matter. Just stay alive!

Marco: Jean was right, you are playing the noble hero more now. One Eren's enough Y/N we don't need a human replica of him. Anyway... I wanted to speak to you about something. About.... well... a dream or a vision or something , I'm not sure.

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