Fated Meetings

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The wagons halted at the bottom of the hill and everyone began to disembark as the instructors began bellowing orders to divide into boys and girls and to take their personal belongings with them. For us of course that only meant our clothes that we had managed to steal in the two years we had been on Paradis island, I had left my supply bag in Eren's basement after we fled Shiganshina in the chaos that unfolded that day.

Reiner: Stick close, we don't want to be separated.

Y/N: Yeah but listen we really shouldn't huddle only to ourselves here we gotta try and fit in right? So let's at least try and make some friends.

Reiner looked hesitant at this but finally nodded his head in affirmation of my suggestion whilst Bertholdt looked around at the growing number of people, worry was plastered on his face.

Bertholdt: So many people... And I heard that only the best of the best get to be MP's.

Y/N: Relax, we all graduated top of our respective projects back home we will be fine, but let's pay attention to what they're saying I think they're about to address us.

?: Listen up Maggots! You are now in your two groups and will be led to your barracks where you will sleep for the next three years. You will then have the opportunity to eat your first meal here at the cadet corps, the time is currently 11:15 and you have until 1 pm to get out here and form up in rows am I understood?

All: Yes sir!

?: All right boys, follow me to your area of the barracks.

We were then led around the back of the training camp and briefed on the camp's facilities, we saw the main hall where we would eat our meals and the watchtower with the bell that signified significant times as well as the large training fields. However, we were told that our "ODM" gear training would take place in the forest which confused me greatly. I whispered to Bertholdt as we walked to the 2 long wooden barracks allocated for the boys.

Y/N: What the hell is "ODM" gear?

Bertholdt just shrugged in reply to this and held open the door of the nearest wooden building, allowing me to get a good look at our home for the next three years.

Y/N: Oh no.

It was a large building, that much was obvious from the outside but the inside highlighted this.

Y/N: This has to be able to fit like a hundred people at the very least, there are even three levels of bunk beds on the wall and...Ugh, are the single beds right next to each other so there's no space? They're going to cramp half of the boys into each building, the smell is going to be horrific. I'm not sure I've seen anyone on this island wash every day either, just like once every two or three days. Well... to be fair I don't wash every day anymore so I've gotten used to it but I better get a top bunk somewhere, I don't want to be amongst the stench.

Quickly moving forward I abandoned Reiner and Bertholdt who took the two single beds next to each other on the second level nearest the door. No way was I getting caught up in their stupidity, they'll recognise their mistake soon enough.

Moving towards the middle of the building I climbed my way up to the top of the ladder so I was at the highest level, only a few metres below the high ceiling.

Y/N: There, I should be out of the way of the worst of it now, still there's no avoiding it completely I just better hope the guy next to me isn't a loud snorer. I wonder what he's like? I've met many different types of people these past two years but I haven't properly spoken much with anyone apart from the warriors.

?: Hey there, is this bed taken?

Y/N: Huh.

I looked over to my right expecting to see someone standing on top of the ladder but there was no one there.

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