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The thought of saving Marco kept rushing through my mind as I struggled towards the captain, Pieck's unconscious body dangling off of my shoulder and the syringe clutched tightly in my right hand. The captain was facing me, his foot on Zeke's chest and blade still rammed into his mouth and speaking to him with a cold edge in his voice which made me shiver. Upon seeing me with my hood still up he slashed Zeke's eyes causing a scream of pain from the man in question so that he wasn't able to see my true identity.

Levi: You got the fluid?

I nodded, conscious of Zeke still being able to hear me. Looking back at the carnage from the slope I found I could see into the district of Shiganshina and to my shock I saw that the 50ft colossal titan was collapsing into the district.

Y/n: We... won?

Levi: Looks like they did it, you hear that furry? We won in the end despite your mess.

Zeke mumbled something unintelligible due to the blade still being in his mouth

Levi: Doesn't look good out there does it? Leave her with me and go find Erwin if you can, if you can't... I guess save who you can.

I unceremoniously dropped Pieck at the feet of the captain before sprinting hard down the slope into the bloody field. I passed dead bodies with limbs missing, some had their guts pouring out of their stomach whilst others just stared into the sky with lifeless eyes. The smell was horrific and I wanted to vomit but I couldn't, I was so driven by my desire to save Marco that I pushed all of these thoughts to the side. Some people who were not dead yet weakly raised hands or moaned out in an attempt to grab my attention but I shut my eyes tightly and continued on.

?: Please... don't go.

?: I- I need help I'm not dead yet!

Y/n: I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm so sorry.

I made it to the centre of the battlefield before looking around in desperation for my friend. The bloodied bodies all looked the same lying motionless on the ground, there was no distinguishing them.

Y/n: If I can't find him in time... no keep pushing!

?: Sir, sir over here!

I whipped my head around and looked for the source of the noise. The person didn't sound like they were in pain or in any dire need of medical treatment.

Y/n: Maybe they can help me find... oh it's him.

A familiar red-headed soldier was waving frantically at me, yelling for me to come over to him whilst standing over a very recognisable body. I hurried over to him as quick as I could, trying to ignore some of the not-dead eyes following me from the ground.

Y/n: Out of all the people to be left unscathed... how did you manage that Floch?

Floch: I'm so glad you're here sir, the commander's not dead yet we have to save him!

Y/n: But-but this is for Marco.

Floch: What? Wait you have the syringe of a titans fluid? Let's bring him to the captain so he can eat that beast titan.

Y/n: It's the carts fluid we don't need to do that but... Marco...

Floch: We don't need Marco, we need a leader. Someone who will become the devil we need to charge through hell and lead us into salvation.

Y/n: "The devil we need" What are you talking about?

Floch: We need a devil who will lay waste to the titans and the enemies of Eldia, not try to negotiate with them or do the morally right thing. What we need is a devil who will risk it all for the greater good.

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