The Fall of Shiganshina

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I was right, life was peaceful within the walls. Every morning I, like Eren and Mikasa was woken by the bells that were strewn around Shiganshina and the birds which flocked to the tiled roofs of every building tweeting as they did so. A week had passed ever since my introduction to the world of the walls and I found that I liked it here, much more so than in my previous life in Ostia. The company was better and the atmosphere was nice although the food was lacking in variety somewhat, I was starting to get tired of just meat, potatoes and vegetables. I sighed as I finished writing a letter addressed to the Yeager family, it would be a shame to leave especially after the kindness they had shown me. But I had a job to do. It'd been lurking in my mind ever since I'd arrived and interacted with my new friends. Today was the day.

I finished the letter and walked down to the basement to deposit it in my bag, Dr.Yeager had allowed me to enter on the condition that I didn't linger. I then climbed the wooden stairs to find Mrs Yeager chopping carrots, humming as she did so. Mr Yeager also sat at the table packing his bag.

Mrs Yeager: Ah, Y/N great timing. I'm sorry to ask but could you help me with those potatoes over there? I'm running a little behind schedule.

Y/N: No problem.

I began to peel the potatoes with the knife she had provided and began contemplating how soon it would be before I found Reiner and co.

Y/N: Are they already here?

Mrs Yeager looked at me which brought me out of my thoughts.

Y/N: Do you have something you'd like to say to me, Mrs Yeager?

Mrs Yeager: I was just wondering if you had reconsidered my offer?

Y/N: Ah, no I haven't I'm sorry to say. I really like it here and I'm so thankful to you but I need to find my own way in this world. I've decided to join the MP's to get to the interior. I've lost my home and I want to make a new one for myself.

Mr Yeager: Y/N... you've not lost your home, after all, I've always said that home is where the people you care about live. My home has changed several times, first, it was with my parents and now it's here with my children. I'm sure you'll find another one soon enough, you're a good kid with a good head on your shoulders. The MP's are a good bet for a better life.

Eren: Hey, we're home.

Mrs Yeager: Welcome back, wow Eren you really worked hard!

Eren: Yeah...

She walked over to Eren as she said this and leaned in close and pinched his ear.

Mrs Yeager: I can tell you're lying, Mikasa, helped you again didn't she?

Smiling, I walked over to the table with my plate for dinner, it reminded me of how my own mother used to act. She was always so caring and kind to me, not like him.

We all sat down and began to eat, Eren was wolfing down his food and was obviously eager to get going once again. Mikasa however remained motionless.

Mikasa: So uh... Eren's thinking of joining the scouts.

This was not a surprise to me, it's all he and Armin have talked about for the past week. This lack of surprise was not shared by the others.

Eren: Way to keep a secret Mikasa, you swore you wouldn't say-

Mrs: Yeager: EREN!, get that ridiculous thought out of your head at once, don't you know how many people have died?

Eren: Yeah I do bu-

Mr Yeager: Eren, why do you want to go out there?

Eren: I don't want to live my life in ignorance behind these walls, and if I don't help then all of those people who died will mean nothing.

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