The Other Side Of The Sea

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It was a sight I never imagined I would see again in those dark days of imprisonment. My hands gripped even tighter to the iron rails of the ship which separated me from the crystal clear blue water, the heat of them burning my hands but I didn't care. The sounds of bustling activity, the smells of food I'd gone so long without, the heat of my old home's sun beating down upon me for the first time in 7 years. I was finally back, after all this time.

Connie: So there really are cities outside of the walls!

Jean turned to him with a hushed yet slightly paranoid voice.

Jean: Don't say stuff about the walls around strangers okay?

Connie: Oh yeah, of course...

Y/n: I wouldn't worry much, most people here won't listen in on your conversation they're far too busy with their lives to care about yours. That and they wouldn't even consider you being an Eldian upon seeing you, you're dressed like a Marleyan after all. I'd be more concerned if you looked like you were from the Middle Eastern Confederation, we aren't too far from the border...

Jean: Why do your people dress like this? It's so uncomfortable, especially in this heat.

Y/n: Most of the world dresses like this, it's considered polite formal wear. Suck it up, you can get rid of it when we go home.

Sasha: So this is one of the continents outside the walls. We must be some of the first people from the island to set foot here in 100 years!

Jean: What did I just say?!

Y/n: Leave her be Jean, you being so paranoid is more likely to raise suspicion. Even so Sasha, don't say stuff like that out here. Not until we gaged the people's opinion from the conference later on.

I took her by the arm and we walked towards the exiting gate which was currently being connected with a large ramp that led to the shore. The others bar Jean and Connie, who were still wondrously staring at the city port of Larontia whilst slowly following us, were waiting for us by the gate. Eren was scowling already, not a great sign to start off our first visit overseas.

Y/n: Eren...remember our talk?

Eren: Yeah...I'll play nice.

Erwin: Good you're here, now the Azumabito have gotten us accommodation at a "hotel" nearby the hall where we are to attend the speech in two hours' time. They should be waiting for us at the port.

Armin: What's a hotel Y/n?

Y/n: Don't ask questions like that aloud Armin, just whisper them to me. Just imagine it like a fancy inn where there are many more rooms to stay in.

Jean: Oh so now you're the paranoid one.

Y/n: Only because people keep asking questions that the normal person would already know, you're not-

Levi: Shut it, both of you. We're going ashore now.

I followed them across the creaky wooden ramp which had just been tied securely to the boat arm in arm with Sasha, mostly to stop her peering too far over into the water and falling in but also to let people know that she wasn't single or a worker. Port cities like this with the number of sailors and workers who lived here had a reputation for being a hotbed of....promiscuity. I gave a pointed look to Eren as to what I was doing then looked at some idle workers who were already staring at Mikasa and he hastily followed my lead.

Y/n: Well here it is guys, welcome to Marley.

The others remained speechless, despite all the change they had seen in the last three years nothing could have prepared them for this. The port was alive with activity, steamer ships disembarking their cargo from far away lands with exotic goods and struggling livestock whilst pouring out smoky fumes into the sky, port workers loading other ships or transports, merchants at roadside small stores shouting out advertisements for their products. Even our new large port had never seen a fraction of what Larontia was, it was no surprise really considering this was the largest port in Marley with only Liberio coming close. I meanwhile was busy scanning the port for those who were supposed to get us away from here, the longer we spent idling in wonder at an everyday scene in Marley the more suspicion we were bound to create.

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