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Levi: Again.

I was lying on the ground, dirt covered me from head to toe. The sun was beating down upon us, the start of May had brought the heat that I had become accustomed to in Paradis in the summer months. With great effort I rose to my feet and quickly hurried back to the starting point of the course the captain had prepared for me.

Levi: You're getting there, faster every time but you still lack control. Focus brat! We aren't stopping for lunch until you've got this right.

I engaged my odm gear for what must have been the hundredth time today as I once again moved through the complex course and slashing the titan dummies as I did. This time I made special care to not lose control of my gear and veer off course and crash thanks to the complex turns required for completion. The captain demanded perfection and although he had made no comments on my speed he was very critical of the fact that my control and balance was "inadequate" even though I had better control than at least 95% of the peers. I sliced the final titan hard and landed with both feet on the ground and a completed course for the first time , grinning from ear to ear I looked at the short captain.

Levi: Tch, that was better brat you're improving but you have a long way to go. Training's done for today I expect you to be here at 6am tomorrow morning understood?

Y/N: Yes sir!

Levi: Go clean up you're filthy.

I made my way to the primitive washing stations that were available to the regular soldiers, the officers of course had baths. I'd heard that the MP's had access to basic showers although I wasn't going to be getting anything like that for a long time. I tried my best to get the dirt out of my cadet gear, the scouting uniforms were arriving later today with the rest of my friends.

After washing up I made my way to the mess hall for lunch, I hadn't had any opportunity to meet any of the scouts already here or had any breakfast thanks to the captain training me with no breaks. As I entered the room I saw many scouts already eating with their peers, only casting me a few glances after I passed to get my food and then muttering.

?: ...How fast he was....

?: I have no clue how he does it...

?: Eh he's nothing special he's just a rookie he will be dead soon enough.

I tried to ignore these comments as I collected my food and looked for the one friend who was already present at HQ. There he was, eating with the elite squad at the edge of the table. He looked healthy enough although he did look a bit on edge. I made my way over to him and sat across from him which interrupted the elite squads conversation, causing them to look at me.

Eren: Y/N! You're here! Wait so you gave up on the MP's?

I nodded in response as the others gawked at me.

Eren: I knew it! I knew it, you said you were an adventurer I knew you wanted to join the scouts. Its good to see you here, I missed familiar faces. We are gonna do it aren't we, we are gonna secure the land for humanity!

?: Naïve kids...

Y/N: Yeah... sure Eren.

?: Yeah that's great kid but you should go, we are the elite squad go find the other new recruits and sit with them.

?: Shut up Oruo they haven't even arrived yet. Did you even listen to the captain, or were you trying to be like him too much you just ignored everything he said?

The ginger woman who spoke turned to me as the man named Oruo began to splutter.

?: My names Petra Ral, nice to meet you...?

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