Fond Memories

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The autumn sun blazed down onto Shiganshina, the last vestiges of warm weather scorching the land for the year whilst a cool breeze blew lightly and white puffy clouds dotted the skyline. I was still sitting beside Sasha, Hange had assured me she would be ok but these assurances had done little to ease my worries with each occasional muttering or signal of pain emanating from Sasha. I sat alone beside her and Armin whilst holding her hand, gazing out onto the now secured district in contemplation of the day's events and all I had lost. It just felt surreal that so much could change in a few hours. A sudden rustling of a sleeping bag grabbed my attention. Armin had woken up.

Sasha: It hurts... It hurts so bad.

Armin: Eh...Sasha? Sasha! You're in terrible shape what happened?

Y/n: I was hoping you could tell me.

I looked down to my right where I had placed the flare gun and fired it into the air to alert the other he was awake.

Armin: Y/n!

Y/n: I take it you didn't see what happened then? Well, long story short it seems your gamble paid off Armin, we took Shiganshina back and have gained another Titan's power.

Armin: So I have the colossal... but Bertholdt-

Y/n: - Is dead, they turned you titan and you ate him. Looks like the captain didn't remove the fluid from Bertholdt and just injected you instead. No room for mercy, although I can't say I blame him much... still though I will miss him despite all he's done.

Armin: Bertholdt's dead...

Y/n: Yeah but cheer up, your plan worked in the end after all.

Armin: We won! So how did you take down the beast? Do we have him as well?

Y/n: We took him down but... he got away. Most of the scouts are dead, only our squad bar Marco and the captain, Hange and the commander survived. He has the Cart Titan now.

Armin: Marco's....

Eren: Armin!

I turned my head to see Eren tearing his way towards us, running as fast as he could before gripping Armin in a tight hug.

Eren: I'm glad you're back.

The zipping of odm gear could be heard as the other now joined us.

Connie: You're up!

Jean: Finally...

Levi: Y/n catch you up to speed?

Armin: Yeah... is it really only the 11 of us who are left? Are we all that remains of the scouts now?

Erwin: For the time being, the fighting ended hours ago. We're all that's left. They died doing their duty as scouts, it's up to us now to make their sacrifices worth it and to find meaning in th-

Sasha: Sh-shut up!

There was a stunned silence as we all just looked at Sasha. Some in amazement whilst others like me stared in horror at her. Hange pierced the silence with a small laugh.

Hange: After all of that she's still our Sasha. Well commander, what's our next move?

Erwin: The basement, the objective I've held for years is within our grasp. Do you still have the key Eren?

Eren: Yes sir.

Erwin: Then we will go now. Hange, Levi, Mikasa and Eren you come with me and the rest of you remain where you are. Y/n we will bring your items to you so you can show the group as a whole.

We all gave a brief nod before watching the selected group jump off the wall and fly into the district towards where the Yeager's house once stood.

Jean: Y/n... now that we have a moment to speak. I'd like to ask if Marco... if Marco said anything before he died.

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