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7 Months Later, 18 Years Old

The seasons were shifting once again, the long busy summer was finally abating and was being gradually replaced by the cool wind which signified the approaching autumn. I tightened my military jacket as we waited in line, the crowd of commuters slowly boarding the steam train from the newly constructed station in Shiganshina. Sasha looked down at the map she had been clutching all morning before turning to me just before we took the step up into the carriage.

Sasha: Are you su-

Y/n: -Yes, just as I was the last 5 times you've asked this morning. The 3pm train from Shiganshina will pass by Dauper on its way to Yarkel. I specifically asked the ticket office last night.

Sighing, exasperated at her constant questioning of the route, I stepped onto the train and made my way to a pair of empty seats next to a window which overlooked the new shiny stone station which had been built and was shrouded in steam. She took a seat next to me and we waited until a shrill whistle could be heard outside and the gears and wheels began whirring and groaning until we lurched forward and began to move.

Sasha: I still would have preferred horseback, like we used to do.

Y/n: As stubborn as ever huh. You know it means we can get to Dauper from Shiganshina in like 3 hours as opposed to a day right?

Sasha: Yeah whatever...couldn't get lost by horseback though.

Y/n: We're not going to get-...ah forget it you'll get used to it anyway.

The train began to pick up speed as we left the station and began to traverse the wide-open countryside of Wall Maria. The countryside was alive with activity in whichever direction you looked outside the window, new roads of tarmac were being constructed where the previous dirt ones had been with many workers labouring in the mild day whilst being overseen by the immigrant Eldian's expertise in warm coats. Steel beams in carts and other materials could be seen trundling towards Shiganshina, no doubt travelling towards the construction zones just outside the district where the factories were being built. Yet despite all of this modernisation, the ever-present constant within the walls appeared to be agriculture, the many fields full of crops ripe for harvest blew in the cold wind and rippled as the train roared past them. I looked over to see Sasha staring anxiously at the busy roads as I had been and nudged her to get her attention.

Y/n: You alright?

Sasha: A lot of change is happening...I wonder what it's like in Dauper.

Y/n: Probably not too much, it's quite far into the countryside. Why?

Sasha: I know that we need to develop but at the same time...I don't want things to change too much here.

Y/n: I's partly why Historia ordered much of the developments to occur outside of the walls. Things will change here for sure, people will live better lives because of that change...but you don't need to worry about industrial zones and new towns sprouting up. The land inside the walls will be developed and the facilities available to people to live in and work will be improved, but people won't lose their way of life. Don't worry, Historia was quite...insistent at the meeting with the planners or so I was told by Hange. It's all being done in the land we took back right? After all, that was the reason you joined the scouts, to get more land for us to use? You said so on the wall before Bertholdt transformed.

Sasha: ...Yeah, I guess we're putting it to good use then. That was a long time ago, three years ago...Can you believe it?

Y/n: Three years? Woah...feels just like yesterday Jean, Connie and...Marco were teasing me about you whilst we were cleaning cannons.

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