The Chase

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The bells echoed throughout the district, signalling the start of the day for many within the district of Trost. With the sun shining brightly many residents went about their day, swanning around the market place or going to their work. Regardless the place was packed with what seemed to be the majority of the districts residents lining the streets.

We made our way through the busy market which was strewn with banners all around and people were talking happily.

Levi: Try not to cluster up, we will stand out that way. Eren and Historia try to walk normal.

Connie: Why are the decorations everywhere? And why is the royal families Sigel up?

Y/n: Where?

Connie pointed to a stage where MP's were stood addressing the crowd, behind the soldiers were banners depicting the famous Fritz Sigel that once dominated the continent of Marley.

Sasha: Oh! Today must be the anniversary of the Kings coronation, they hand out extra rations

Connie: Oh

Marco: Something wrong Y/n?

Y/n: Well... as a Marleyan that banner brings bad feelings. Despite how cruel Marley is now, I would be lying to say that the Eldian empire was any better to my people.

Sasha looked over, concerned at my words and saw my strained expression, she took my right hand and squeezed it in support.

MP: We will begin handing out rations now! The king knows how hard the people of Trost have suffered and is donating the family's reserve!.

Sasha: What a king, he sure is generous!

Y/n: It's a bribe, nobody would do something like that for a simple kindness there has to be something more to it.

Levi: He's right, it's for their loyalty. People are weak especially when it comes to food. Let's go.

Grinning, Connie elbowed Sasha as Levi said this which caused her to scowl at him and hit him over the head.

Y/n: Let's go Sasha you can prove Connie wrong later.

Jean: She probably will prove him right though.

Y/n: Probably but regardless let's go!

Sasha: Hey!

We then hurried to follow the captain down the street away from the crowd who were enow eagerly lining up to receive their extra rations. The next 20 minutes were pretty boring, we couldn't receive any extra food thanks to the captain being a hardass and we were forced to walk through the district under the hot sun. The captain suddenly paused. We all looked at him inquisitively.

Levi: Watch out behind you!

We all dived out of the way of a speeding cart except for the two disguised as Eren and Historia who were snatched.

Y/n: Jea-

Sasha: Eren and Ar-

Marco: Eren and Historia, they got snatched again!

Jean: You two numbskulls almost gave it away!.

Connie: They are getting away!

Mikasa: Lets follow them!

I looked at the captain who nodded, as he did so we all engaged our gear and set pursuit. The cart meandered its way throughout the district until it entered an old warehouse. The doors were locked shut and nobody could get in.

Y/n: Damn it!

Mikasa: I'm going to talk to the captain, you all take positions by the windows and get ready to breach. Wait for the noises then help us!

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