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9 Months Later, Age 19

Niccolo: So...are you going to tell me why we are out here?

We stood by an old wooden gate on a dusty country lane, the sun shone brightly above us and a light breeze tickled our faces from the east. In front of us was a field, bright green and filled with flowers of all varieties and the wildlife that came with it. A typical scene in June when travelling across the countryside of Wall Maria yet one thing made this particular plot of land stick out from the rest.

On top of a slightly elevated position stood a large wooden shack, two people in plain brown trench coats stood outside by the door. Alert for any danger that might come. They stared at us intently, expecting us to move which I eventually did by opening the gate and holding it for Niccolo to pass through as well.

Y/n: In a minute. Not out here.

I turned and cast a suspicious glance back at the lonely and isolated road I had just travelled by horseback down with my friend. Empty. I breathed a sigh of relief before hastily speed walking up the large hill, all the while looking around from my vantage point for any other sign of movements in the empty moors and dusty side roads.

Niccolo: Why all this secrecy? You've hardly said a word since you picked me up earlier.

Y/n: Not now.

Niccolo: Aren't you supposed to be with Sasha? You took the month off after S/n was born, didn't you?

Y/n: Believe me if I could be with them right now I would. Sasha insisted I go though.

Niccolo: Seems like yesterday you invited me to see him.

Y/n: Yeah it get inside. Quickly.

We reached the porch of the shack, the two men nodded at me before holding open the door and gesturing for us to get inside. I almost pushed Niccolo inside the door as I used my hand to guide him in first before casting one last look over the horizon and following him in, the door slammed shut behind me as I breathed a sigh of relief and took my black hat off and placed it on a coatrack alongside my military coat.

Niccolo: You must have been boiling under all of that.

Y/n: Yeah no kidding, at least it's off now.

We were alone in a small room, a solitary dusty window was placed at the right of the door where sunlight shone through and illuminated the floating dust particles and creaky, old floorboards. If I didn't know any better this place would be scaring me with how eery it was. There was another door in front of us, noise could be heard behind it. Footsteps, discussion and all manners of human activity were taking place. I made to open the door but a firm hand blocked my path. Niccolo stood there, a frown on his face as he held firm.

Niccolo: Start talking now, I want to know why we are here. What's all this need for secrecy?

Y/n: Listen...I hadn't thought to be here either, at least not for a week or so when my leave ended. But Erwin told me it was urgent and to bring you along with me to the usual place.

Niccolo: And why all of this secrecy?

I hesitated slightly before carefully pulling his arm away from me and turning to face him full-on.

Y/n: Things aren't great... in the government right now. It's divided into two main camps. There's the isolationist group led by the MP's and the main leaders of the army who want to wait out the storm on this island. The other is my side, the scouts and the majority of the army, we believe in taking the fight to Marley before they can turn their full focus on us. You might have heard whispers about my group, people are starting to call us the Yeagerists thanks to Eren. Erwin thought it would be a good idea for him to get involved at the highest level so it could draw on more support.

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