The Expedition

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Y/N: You know guys. I said I was ready yesterday. But now that we are in front of the gates on our horses... yeah I'm not so sure anymore.

Jean: Ah relax, you have Marco you will be fine and you're the captains protégé now I mean you're probably the most qualified out of all of us recruits.

Y/N: Not Mikasa?

Jean: Well that goes without saying, she might as well be a veteran already.

Officer: 1 minute to go cadets, ready your horses we need to make the most of the time the Garrison have bought us.

Marco: This is it then, our first expedition. Hey you made up with Sasha? That was a pretty bad argument you got into yesterday. Worse than before at least.

I looked over to where Sasha was talking with Connie a few rows behind us. She caught me looking at her and frowned before returning back to her conversation. I sighed as I turned back to the other two.

Y/N: No not yet, I will though we always make up after a while.

The two looked at each other before Marco continued in a tentative tone.

Marco: You know Y/N.... if you just said what it is you're hiding it would make everything go away.

Jean: Yeah and since you said yesterday that it's a bad secret that affects for all of us I think we have a right to know!

Y/N: It doesn't just effect you! There are other peoples lives at risk here and I need to figure out how to reveal it.

Marco: But-

Erwin: The 57th scouting mission starts now! All soldiers advance!

Everyone started to scream as we urged our horses to charge through the gates and into the abandoned village just outside the gate. The bustling scenery of the city was replaced with old and dilapidated houses which had been long since abandoned.

Y/N: Later.

All around us the support squads engaged the titans as we ploughed on, many people including Sasha became uneasy at being in such close proximity to the titans and were expressly ordered to continue moving forward.

Erwin: All soldiers, move into the long range scouting formation! Follow the signals!

All: Yes sir!

Marco: Lets go Y/N, we need to get in position so that we can signal where there are titans.

Y/N: All right lets go, good luck out there guys.

Everyone, including Sasha, wished us well as we diverged away from each other and into our respective positions. Marco and I rode hard to establish the perimeter required by the formation, we galloped through trees and fields which were eerily empty of the monsters that had haunted our dreams since Trost.

Marco: So what I was saying before Y/N-

Y/N: I said later Marco! Not when we are in the expedition. Anyway we need to split off now remember? I am supposed to be 100 metres ahead of you.

Marco: Okay okay but this isn't over Y/N I want to discuss some other things with you as well, I don't think your being entirely truthful with what supposedly happened on that rooftop.

Y/N: Right.... well I am but we can talk anyway later. Now get going!

I rode ahead of Marco and adopted my lone position on the left flank of the formation. It was quiet, the only noises I can hear were the thundering of hooves bellow me and the occasional gust of light wind that rustled my hair and cloak. But then a noise rang out, a sharp one that hurt my ears. I looked up to see that a little further ahead in the distance a red flair had been fired into the air.

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