The Conference

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2 Weeks Later

Sasha: Are you ok?

Y/n: Hmm?

I lifted my head from the warm glass of the train compartment, the afternoon's warmth beating into the Marleyan earth and making me light-headed. Turning to focus on the source of her voice I took in my surroundings for the first time in hours. They were all here, my squad mates who I'd known since I was 12 years old. Jean, Connie, Sasha and I were sat by the windows, them talking quietly to one another whilst I stared absent-minded out of the window. Eren and Mikasa were muted like the old surviving veterans of the regiment were, Armin and Niccolo were the only two in that row conversing and by their tones, they sounded excited for whatever reason. All of these people I had met, all I had known since my life changed forever 9, almost 10, years ago and for the first time I was returning to where it had all started. Ostia, my old home.

Sasha: Are you okay?

Y/n: Yeah...fine.

I looked back outside, memories came rushing back. Me in the exact same posture, just in a smaller body, and with the same frazzled mind. Two mornings, two train journeys, two people with their minds a riot with conflict, thinking of the future. Yet the scenery remained the same. The rolling fry hills were still there, the lush vineyards, the cicadas and golden fields full of ripe harvest and fresh green orchards. None of it had changed, everything was the same as it was when I left as a boy. And now as a man, I return with the same doubts, the same fear. Had I changed at all? I looked down at my feet, covered by the smart shiny black shoes I had been given for the conference.

Sasha: No you're not! You've been staring outside for the past three hours without saying a word.

A ticket inspector came down the aisle and announced that we would arrive in 5 minutes but I didn't move, still looking down at my feet in silence.

Connie: What's up Y/n?

Y/n: It's's been years. Ostia is a place I'd never thought I'd see again in those tough training days or those days in the breadline after Shiganshina fell. And now...with everything going on... I don't want to go back. I'm afraid of what awaits me there, a part of me feels that I'm still the scared little boy that boarded this train 9 years ago.

Nobody said a word for a moment, the train began to slow down as we entered the city limits. The countryside was replaced by the old, bustling city in which marble buildings and smoking factories dominated the landscape.

Jean: Maybe you might be in the same sort of position now...but you've changed Y/n. You're not really even the same carefree person I met in training with the leader and man you've become, you insult yourself with your words.


The train rolled into the station, the familiar glass roof and black stone walls replacing the buildings and streets. I shakily got to my feet and brushed off any dust from my suit before adjusting my tie with a deep breath and stroking my hair.

Connie: You don't really believe you're the same person either, I know you too well to think that you truly believe that. You're just scared of seeing your old friend Octav-

Y/n: -Don't! I know Connie...don't say his name I haven't forgotten him.

Sasha took my arm and stroked it slowly, trying to get me to relax as we began to follow Erwin and the others to the end of the carriage. Adjusting her orange hat as she did.

Sasha: You need to let it go, you said it yourself that you don't really wish to see him. It's not even certain you will see him, he might not even be here.

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