The Long Flight Home

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I sat on my lower bunk, staring at the floor as the hours ticked by. Gone was the early evening that had seen so much tragedy and the early morning had slowly crept up upon us all until many who had been celebrating were now fast asleep. The only noises were the hum of the engine and the snoring of the two boys opposite me in their bunks accompanied by the infrequent shout or laugh from a neighboring cabin. Sleep eluded me, I was still so caught up over the previous days events as well as caring for my family that it was impossible for me to even get a wink of sleep.

Falco: Y/n?

I looked up to see Falco, his head still resting on his pillow but eyes wide awake and staring at me. Colt was still sleeping, even after being unconscious for a few hours he still found himself exhausted and in need of more rest after the harrowing hours of explanation I gave the two boys when we came to the cabin. The explanation went as well as could be expected, both boys were in tears and very upset and it became difficult for me to calm them down along with Sasha although eventually they stopped and decided to rest some more. To be honest I wasn't looking forward to answering any more questions about...that, but I owed them answers so with great effort I looked up and forced a smile at Falco.

Y/n: Are you okay Falco?

He raised himself up a bit more so that he rested against the back of his bunk, his blue jacket dirty from the events of Liberio and face still stained with tear marks from earlier. He nodded to me silently but said nothing in response whilst playing with his thumbs. Silence reigned in the cabin, I didn't know what to say to him. What could you say? Unlike him I had not lived with my mother for more than 3 years of my life, she was all he had known and now she was gone. The only comparable thing I could think of was if Sasha died, I shuddered at the thought of how close she was to that fate tonight and looked up at her empty bunk above me.

Falco: Where is Sasha?

I turned back to him, surprised that he remembered her name after all that had been told to him. He had been watching my line of eyesight and his curiosity must have peeked.

Y/n: Oh uh...she was taken to the medical room, I think she's getting her wound assessed and treated.

Falco: Oh...okay. I hope she's okay, she was very nice to me earlier.

Y/n: I'm sure she's fine Falco, they said when they first took her that she'll be okay.

Falco was silent for a few more minutes, still playing with his thumbs and frowning before asking another question.

Falco: When will we go back? For Gabi and Reiner and Pieck and-

Y/n: -Pieck is okay?

Falco nodded.

Y/n: That's good, I always felt a little bad for her and what might happen after I took her titan from her all those years ago. Same with Reiner...although getting him back to live with us after all he's done may be impossible...

Falco: When can we go back? You said we could.

Y/n: I don't know Falco...we can go back when the war is over. Which after tonight will hopefully be pretty soon.

Colt let out a loud snore before we fell into silence once again. Falco still looked sad so I stood up with great effort and let out a groan from the stretching of my stiff limbs and sat down on his bed, making him shift his legs so we could sit next to each other.

Y/n: Can't wait for some rest at the end of this, my limbs are killing me.

Falco: You're only a bit older than Colt, I thought you were 19.

Y/n: Almost 20, but yes I am. Still though...not as young as I once was. I need time to recover after missions now, never used to happen when I was fighting titan's.

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