The Aftermath

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The doctor was pouring over his notes whilst I laid back in my bed, staring at the ceiling in boredom.

Erwin: What's his injury like Dr Carlson?

Carlson: Well he's a lucky young man, it appears as if the bullet has only caused a small fracture to his femur. Any more stressful work or exercise and I fear to think what he could have done to the bone or indeed the surrounding muscles.

Y/n: How long until I can get out of here?

Carlson: Today. However I don't recommend any serious work or drills for a month at least, judging by your military medical record this injury is much worse than the minor damage suffered to your ribs a month ago. We've bandaged your leg again as you well know, it has to be changed every day do you understand? You have to use this walking cane for a week as well, to take stress off of your leg and to support you.

Erwin: Thank you for your help doctor.

He handed me a cane and a small box which upon inspection contained a few weeks' worth of bandages and cleaning equipment before scribbling on his notebook and closing it with a snap. He gave a quick nod to me and the commander before leaving the room.

Erwin: Well then let us go y/n, the tribunal is waiting for us.

I stood up from the bed and put my military boots on. It hadn't been a long stay in the hospital, only two days but as I put on my jacket I was reminded of how tight my gear was. Erwin strolled over to the door and held it open for me to pass through. I did so and we made our way in silence to the carriage which was waiting for us outside the front of the hospital. Erwin gestured for me to enter first and I did. The driver whipped the reigns of the horses and we began to trundle through the district, looking out of the window I was shocked to see scenes that I hadn't in years.

Erwin: You see y/n? Out there. The change has already started.

He was right, there was a noticeable buzz in the air that I could see as we passed by people on our way to Orvud HQ. People were laughing, merchants were advertising honeyed treats to laughing children with parents talking to one another animatedly whilst idly standing by and offering their money. Old men were playing chess in front of pubs and raucous laughter could be heard from inside those pubs whilst the sun shined bright outside. Things for the first time in years seemed to be looking up for the people of the walls, the celebrations provided them with an excuse to show it. Immediately after the battle Historia had her coronation and the celebrations were evidently still going on, I could hear the cries and cheers from my room and watched through my window on the tallest floor as the crown was put on Historia's head as she saluted.

Y/n: Its looking up for us, there's still a way to go. But change is nice to see, one day soon hopefully this is the scene for everyone on this island.

Erwin: Indeed. Before we get to HQ I'd like to discuss with you how I'm going to play this. How we are going to play this.

Y/n: What do you mean sir? I thought we were to tell them the truth.

Erwin: We are, but we are going to spin the story. Just how I did at Eren's trial. I want to try and... diminish the MP's power by emphasising their role in the recent events. This will secure more support for the scouts and solidify our already strong control over the government.

Y/n: Historia supports us, Ymir ensures this support and she and I are the original members of our plan to secure the future. You don't need to worry about her commitment to the cause.

Erwin: Even so. As we said on the wall, it will be the military is really in control. I want to get the garrison commander's and officers on our side. We will push out the MP's from the predominant regiment in government and introduce the scouts as the primary movers in shaping Eldia's future.

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