The Battle at the Cave

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Y/n: What do you mean someone's coming?! Do you see who it is?

I started to panic, I couldn't fight in my injured state and in any case if the MP's had followed my trail then I would be responsible for the deaths or imprisonment of everyone. Cold sweat rolled down my body.

Connie: No, they've got their hoods up but they're armed!

Levi: Enough! Y/n drench the fire with the water bucket, the rest of you gather by the trees we will take them out silently.

I hastily crawled towards the half empty water bucket Armin had used to clean my wound and doused the flames with it. The warmth of the fire left my body and was replaced by a cold numbness which was exacerbated by my fear and alarm induced by the new arrivals. I could feel my heart pounding against my rib cage as I gingerly stood up without putting too much weight on my inured leg and carefully taking cover behind the nearest tree which was a few metres behind the others.

Everyone was silent and anxious, the only noise was the rustling of the trees in the wind.

Levi: Wait is that... stand down everyone. It's four eyes.

I let out a gasp of relief and pain as I put weight on my wounded leg in reaction to the news.

Y/n: Well at least I wouldn't have to fight in my crippled state after all.

The others welcomed the section commander and her assistant and bid them towards the only source of light remaining which was the lantern on top of some crates. I had slumped against the tree in exhaustion, pain and relief and was struggling to get back to my feet properly. Jean and Marco saw my sorry state and helped me hobble over to the crates and assisted me in settling down with a blanket. Hange then gave the captain a scroll and after a brief nod and a grunt he allowed us to read over his shoulder.

Hange: So there you have it. The coup d'état was successful and Premier Zachary has assumed full control of the military and administration, for the moment the nobles haven't revolted.

Y/n: Tch nobles... what good do they do for anyone?

Levi: Agreed.

Everyone else ignored us as they processed the news, Armin as usual processed this the quickest and was the first to question the section commander.

Armin: What about the Reeves boss incident?

Hange: We got a confession. His son Flegel proved us innocent, he really pulled through for us. His company printed these newspapers. It proves our allegations and makes them public, everyone now thinks we acted in self-defence. So in other words we are free once more.

There was a brief pause whilst everyone grinned and looked at each other which was then pierced by a crescendo of ear splitting noise.

All: Wohooooo!

Everyone cheered as the captain and the section commander started conversing near the prisoner I had captured.

Armin: We are free!

Connie: We can go back to our normal lives now.

Mikasa: Not yet.

Everyone stopped their celebrating and looked at Mikasa confused.

Mikasa: Eren.

Marco: Oh yeah... kind of forgot about that.

Jean: Do we have to save the suicidal maniac? We don't even know where he is.

Levi: That's where you're wrong, from the interrogation and from the information Hange just delivered we do know where the rogue squad and your captured comrades are. Saddle up everyone we have to hurry.

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