The Second Coup

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Hange: Starting to fill out now, shouldn't be too long until Niles Dock and his cronies turn up.

Y/n: Good...just try to act natural we don't want to blow this.

I forced a smile as I shook the hand of an obscure officer in the MP's and gestured for him to walk into the fancy restaurant behind me. The large velvet-floored reception with its rich curtain drapes and expensive chandeliers housed the scores of targets who had already unwittingly walked right into our trap. I anxiously played with my hands in my pockets and wiped my brow as the sweat began to form due to the nerves and the abnormally warm October's day.

Y/n: We just need to keep this up until they all get too drunk; the wine was replaced right?

Hange: Yes we changed it this morning by adding the strong spirits to the wine, they'll be off of their feet in no time. I just hope we have enough for all of these people.

I attempted to raise myself on my tiptoes to see above the crowd heading towards us, there must have been at least 120 people to join the nearly 200 inside. The streets beyond them were thinning now, the evacuated crowd was almost non-existent with only a few stragglers trailing behind. Looking down at my watch, I saw it chime 1:25. 35 minutes until we were to begin, and still there was no sign of Floch or the Yeagerists.

Y/n: Don't worry about that, I'm more concerned with the manpower we have here. We can't detain all of these people without Flo-

Pixis: Detain who?

Hange and I had been so engrossed in our conversation we had failed to notice the old commander walk up to us, flanked by his subordinates and regarding us with a surprised and slightly suspicious expression.

Hange: Uhhh...Erwin! Erwin yes and-

Y/n: -And Captain Levi! Obviously, now that uh we're leaderless, we'll need to choose new ones and sort out the mess with-

Hange: Zachary! That's why we're here after all!

Pixis: Hmmm...very well. I must say today is a terrible day for it, although you couldn't have known about Queen Historia's practice evacuation drill. Still though...its slowed everyone down. We'll have to talk more of the future inside.

Y/n: Of course commander, now please enjoy the wine inside. We shall begin shortly.

He nodded before beckoning for the rest to follow him inside, leaving the relatively empty street apart from Hange and me and a few stragglers

Y/n: Go inside...I'll wait for the stragglers to get inside, then I'm going to get a report.

She nodded before turning inside and shutting the shiny oak doors with her. After 5 minutes, the street had deserted, the whistling wind and scattered leaves the only company, I immediately looked up to the right and in the direction of the roof of the building next to us, a lone scout stood up from his crouched position behind a steeple and used his ODM gear to leap down to me.

Scout: Everything's going to plan, your old squad have subdued the guards and taken Levi and the commander out of custody. The rest of the regiment who are available are waiting at HQ fully equipped. Floch's seeing to it that any MP's within Shiganshina are being detained as we speak, he wont be far away now.

Y/n: And the evacuation? What of the other districts?

Scout: Evacuation is complete, only people left in the district belong to the military sir. We got word this morning that all districts bar this one are now ours, all communication to the district has been halted. MP's have been detained and new loyal officers from the ranks have been chosen. All that remains is for us to take the hierarchy out.

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