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Hunger had been something I'd never known before the fall of wall Maria. But I knew it now. It stabbed at my stomach and made me long for the bland meals that I had received since coming to the walls again. Standing in the cramped line for the stale bread they were rationing I began to think back over the previous two days' events. I had bid Armin and the rest goodbye two days after the arrival in Trost, told them that I needed to see if my friends from the "village" had survived and that I'd just be a burden on their food supply anyway. They had wished me luck but much to my annoyance Eren had left me with a final message that bothered me greatly.

Eren: I'll be sad to see you go Y/N but you're heading to the MP's right? Well, I'll be joining the scouts so we will see each other again at training! It's not goodbye, not forever at least.

Y/N: You still want to fight them after...that?

Eren: More than ever, I won't let everyone's deaths mean nothing. I will avenge them.

Receiving my bread I could only think about my response, or at least the one I wished I had told him before we split paths.

Y/N: You search for the truth Eren but what if it's a truth that's best left uncovered?

Y/N: Mikasa, Armin please stop him. I don't want to lose another friend even if I never see him again I want you all far away from those monsters, the truth of the world isn't worth the danger.

It happened in a flash, those ice-blue eyes and the blonde hair tied up in a bun. I knew that style, I knew who it belonged to. It is her. I could feel my anger rise once more, I wanted these answers badly. I broke off from the crowd and followed where Annie had disappeared until I reached a dark side alley where I could hear muffled voices.

Y/N: Bertholdt, Reiner are you there? Annie? Marcel?

The voices stopped and I was quickly pulled by a hand into the alley away from the street which was filled with civilians and refugees alike. I was led further down the street until I reached a courtyard with a fountain emitting a constant stream of water. The hand let go of me and roughly pushed me back, I was leaning on its owner before due to being pulled off balance.

Y/N: Annie?

Annie: What?

Y/N: I finally found you all! Now then, what the hell was that huh? You got anything to say? Also, where is Marcel I want answers from him, what sort of leader just charges headfirst to a populated area trying to cause as many casualties as possible on an infiltration mission?

The warriors were all taken aback at my furious and scathing tone, they had clearly expected a greeting or some sort of acknowledgement. Not an angry interrogation. At the mention of Marcel, they all looked down in a depressed fashion.

Reiner: Marcel's dead, a titan got him. I'm in charge now.

I was momentarily taken aback by the tone used by Reiner, it was decisive and strong. A far cry from the timid and star-struck boy I had met in Liberio. The weight of what Reiner said hit me, I didn't have many dealings with Marcel and so it didn't hit me that hard but his leadership was something we would badly miss.

Y/N: Who made you in charge?

Annie: Nobody.

Y/N: Well we need a leader so unless you're up to the task then it will have to be Reiner. However, after the crap you pulled earlier I'm not so sure I want to be on this mission anymore.

Reiner scowled in response to this, and Bertholdt looked troubled. Annie however was as emotionless as ever, eating her bread in the corner and sitting down whilst staring at me coldly.

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