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Hange: Sorry for the wait Y/N, hope you don't mind but we need to hurry so I thought it best you just gear up and miss the end of the meeting.

I could feel everyone's eyes on me, I didn't trust the section commanders words one bit and she must have known it because she hastily turned away from me and mounted her horse before leading it to the front of the group.

Y/N: Liar.

Hange: What was that?

Y/N: I said you're a liar, we all know somethings off here. First I was separated with some others and now I'm excluded to a meeting all but I can attend. What's going on? Tell me the truth.

Muttering broke out with a few humourless laughs from some people.

Jean: You're one to talk about not telling the truth.


Panic started to rise within me but I kept my composure. 

Y/n: So they knew something, now what? I just have to get to Reiner and Bertholdt and we can work out a plan quickly.

Hange: I'm sorry you feel that way Y/N, but there's nothing I can do. Now lets get going, we need to relieve them at castle Utgard!

Hange whipped her reigns hard and kicked off on the horses sides causing it to charge into the night. The rest of the scouts followed but there was no screaming or yelling as there usually was. Eery silence, a sense of foreboding gripped everyone as if they knew something was about to happen.

Y/N: Hey Jean. Jean! Where's Connie and Reiner and the rest?

Jean looked hesitant to answer, as if he didn't want to or wasn't allowed to. Maybe a bit of both.

Marco: We are going to get him now, relax and take it slow Y/N no need for theatrics.

Something was definitely off. Ahead of me to my right I could see Mikasa tense, gripping the sides of her odm gear and Armin's head ever so slightly twitched in my direction. I looked to my sides in hope of finding the one person who never left my side but she wasn't there.

Jean: She's at the front with the section commander. Don't bother just ride, don't make things harder than they need to be...

Y/N: They know I'm not from here and that I'm in league with the others. And it looks like I'm the middle of an escort. Surrounded on all sides by people I wouldn't even try to kill or people who I couldn't. Clever play Hange.

I was on edge for the rest of the ride, never speaking a word until we reached the castle and orders went out to aid the defenders against the swarm of titans. I began to stand up from my saddle before a hand grabbed my shoulder and forced me back down.

Mikasa: No, you're staying here. You interfere and I won't hesitate.

Y/N: Mikasa what the hell? What is going on? Can someone tell me why I am being treated like a prisoner or something I've not actually done anything wrong.

Eren: Yeah leave him alone guys, he isn't guilty of what you think he is.

Marco: EREN!

Eren: Ah shit, well lets not just stand around. Let's finish those titans off!

Mikasa: Eren wait!

I could only watch as Eren got his first ever titan kill but then messed up and had to be saved by Mikasa. It was pretty boring to watch to be honest. After dealing with intelligent titans they seemed to deal with the normal ones pretty easily. The interesting thing was what was at the foot of the tower. It looked like a... decomposing small titan body?

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