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Y/n: Nicolo! Come on it's time for breakfast let's go.

I could hear scuffling noises behind the oak door and a tired groan before the door slowly creaked open to reveal a tired Nicolo rubbing his eyes.

Nicolo: So it wasn't just a dream.

Y/n: No, get dressed we're going to breakfast and I didn't get up at 6 am and ride here just for you to miss it.

Nicolo nodded and shut the door once again before remerging a few minutes later, fully dressed in the clothes he had on yesterday minus his military jacket and his hair combed.

Y/n: Let's go then. I hear your meeting went well.

Nicolo: You spoke with the commander?

Y/n: Yeah, how did you think I knew which room you were in this morning? Was the captain ok with you?

Nicolo: He was less scary but still...

Y/n: Yeah I get it...he never really lets up on that personality. So did you agree to the deal?

Nicolo: To help you guys out a bit? Yeah...I did. You were a big part of why though, it would have taken a lot without you here.

Y/n: I expected as much. Look on the bright side though, if all goes to plan this is a new start for you.

We left the large wooden building to see the fort alive with activity in the early morning and late summer sun. Supply wagons were entering and leaving the fort, patrols on horseback were setting off and messengers were arriving at the HQ whilst others went about their business on duty or otherwise. Some were just leaving their tents, bleary-eyed and tousled hair showing they had just woken up.

Nicolo: Do they all sleep in those small one-man tents? With autumn coming and winter after that, how can they stand it?

Y/n: The climate on the south side of the Island is a lot like southern Marley so it's decently warm in the cooler months and blazing hot in the warmer ones. The rest of the island is just hot summers, warm springs with mild autumns and cold winters.

Nicolo: Sounds...nice.

Y/n: Yeah it's pretty great, now let's go.

I led him through the small dirt streets dividing the camp we had made to enter a wide open field where many benches and tables were set out in the open. At the edge of the field were many cooking fires, the smoke rising to the early morning sky in large dark swirls. Many people were talking and eating their breakfast and sat on the benches which created a constant drone of human noise.

Nicolo: Woah...this is enormous...I've seen Marleyan forts smaller than this.

Y/n: Well it's our main base of operations for the entire military outside the walls so it's gonna be large. We have like 25 smaller camps of 30 people dotted around the southern coastal road which connects to here and a few watchtowers, it's how we caught and intercepted you guys so easily. But this fort's the largest that's for sure, I think there are 5000 people stationed permanently here.

Nicolo: *Stomach rumbling*

Y/n: Hungry?

Nicolo: Starving, I've not eaten anything since lunch yesterday. I hope the food's good.

Y/n: Don't get your hopes up, it's most likely porridge and honey with bread and a bit of bacon or sausage. We have a lot more meat now that we took back Wall Maria but the food situation on this island's still pretty bland, it's also why I was so excited to have you here...these people could use some good food for a change.

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