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Cold. Dark. The only light came from torches in the hallway. My head was throbbing where Marco had struck me, it felt like I had been hit over the head with a hammer. I rose from the hard mattress I was laid on to observe my surroundings rubbing my head as I did so.

Y/n: A cell? Where am I?

Ymir: So you're finally awake huh. Took your time.

Y/n: Ymir?

Ymir: Right in one, to answer your question we are being detained in the scout regiments correctional facility at HQ. For obvious reasons. The commander wants to question us with the Hange and Levi when you awake, don't think the other regiments know about us yet.

Y/n: How long have I been out for?

Ymir: Its been two days, you've missed a lot.

Y/n: They get those two?

Ymir: From what I can gather from the guards conversations they didn't. There was a big struggle though, they took Eren.

Y/n: What!

Ymir: He's fine they got him back, but I think a lot of people died. Reiner and Bertholdt fled. You know where to?

Y/n: The docks I imagine, its where the outpost is.

Ymir: I thought so, I vaguely remember a small installation there. Didn't have much time to take everything in before... well I take it you can guess what happened to me.

Y/n: Yeah...

We looked at each other in silence, it was clear we both knew the truth of this world but there was still that hesitance to speak from her.

Y/n: So I take it you know about me? I always thought you were hesitant around me, now I know why.

Ymir: I didn't know you were from outside the wall but I sure as hell knew your surname. Famous Marleyan politicians that they are. But i gave you the benefit of the doubt and thought you must just belong to some branch of that family that made its way out here when the walls went up.

Y/n: I guess we got time to kill, want to talk truthfully?

Ymir: Sure why not.

Y/n: Where are you from? On the continent I mean.

Ymir: You first.

Y/n: Ostia.

Ymir: A small port town, called Liberio.

Y/n: A small town? Liberio is a massive city, its where the navy is based. You come from an internment zone?

Ymir: Internment zone? Those areas surrounded by the fencing and the walls that they were building.

Y/n: Ymir... what's the year?

Ymir: Here or outside the walls? Here its 850 right but outside the walls its 790 right?

Y/n: Ymir I don't know how to tell you this but... the years the same outside the walls as well. The calendar hasn't changed. You were a titan for 60 years. You ate Marcel.

Ymir: No... it can't be.

Y/n: I don't know what to say I'm so sorry... Why did you get sent to Paradis?

Ymir: I was a young girl, a cult called the "subjects of Ymir" found me and since my name was Ymir they worshipped me as their leader. MPS found out and... well you can guess the rest.

Y/n: That's a famous cult, it collapsed 50 years ago but I remember learning about it in history class at the academy. Supposed proof of the Eldian's permanent desire to regain their lost empire and crush Marley.

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