Assault on Liberio - Part Two

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Y/n: We have to go, now. We need to find Falco.

Colt: I agree, but what about Udo?

Y/n: He's dead, there's nothing you can do for him now. Now come on!

I shoved him to get his legs moving and he started to jog, bobbing and weaving through the slowly enlarging crowd. I followed close behind, very aware of the suspicious looks I was receiving from some of the newcomers. I urged Colt forward as we exited the gates of the hospital grounds and took a sharp left. Looking up at the skyline I could see the occasional faint orange glow followed by faint bangs, by the looks of things the battle was only getting fiercer.

Colt: We'll never reach him quick enough!

I caught up with Colt before grabbing his collar and preventing him from moving any further, the time had come to tell him a small amount of the truth. If we were to reach Falco in time I would have to use my gear and an explanation was needed. I held him in place by a wall, more and more people came running down the high street and most sported grizzly injuries illuminated by the lights of the lamppost. Snippets of muffled conversation could be heard amidst the faint noises of fighting as they passed.

?: Did you see those metal things on their arms?

?: They travel like lightning.

?: Damn those devils, we should have known they'd pull something like this...hey stay with me, wake up!

Colt: Y/n what are you doing? We need to hurry.

I was about to answer but an angry yell interrupted me, I relinquished my hold on Colt and spun round to deal with this interruption.

?: He's one of those devils! They also wear black, and look! He's even got those metal things on his arms!

The small crowd around him which had stopped to listen to his outcry grew angry, shaking their fists and yelling at me as they charged forward. I quickly moved my right hand and held out my gun, the other was aimed at the house opposite me in case I needed to get away quickly.

Y/n: Stay back or I'll shoot!

Colt:'re can't be...a devil?

The crowd balked at the sight of my gun, and all but one backed away. The one who remained looked livid, a large man who had clearly been crying and was supporting a limp small body on his back which was concealed with a small blood-stained blanket. He gently put the body on the ground before taking two menacing steps toward me.

?: Run away kid, he'll kill you just as he and his friends killed my boy!

Y/n: I-I didn't...please don't make me-

The man charged at me, ignoring all pretense, and raised his fists to strike. He was about a second away from reaching me before I pulled the trigger. A crack sounded out as the large man fell to the floor, dead. A hole was left in his skull and blood pooled out of it whilst I took a step back in horror, as did most of the crowd.

Colt: You-you just-!

Y/n: ...Fuck.

The crowd stared wide-eyed at the fresh corpse before either running away in terror or charging toward me in rage. There was no other way out, and it had to be now.

Y/n: Sorry Colt.

I turned around and spun him so he faced the wall without him even being given the opportunity to blink before striking him in the back of the head as Shadis had taught us to do all those years before. Colt fell limp to the ground but I caught him and slung him over my back like a fireman before firing my ODM gear from my left trigger. We soared, albeit slower than I would alone, above the crowd just as they were about to reach us. I landed on top of the roof to see them watching me, angry yet perplexed as to how they would give chase. Not giving them a chance to think I took off, running across the flat roof of the building before using my gear again and firing my way to the next roof.

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