Infiltration - Part Two

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Sleep was elusive that night, the small room Mikasa had for us was cramped, dingy, and hot and it wasn't helped by the constant snoring. The sounds of the zone had kept me up all night, the barking of the dogs and infrequent car patrols by the MPS made it tough to get any form of constant rest. But those reasons weren't why I couldn't sleep properly, no there was a much larger reason. A reason that was surely only 5 meters away from me now. What would I say to her?

Liberio the next morning was lively once again, if it was possible there was even more excitement in the air today. The stage had just been fully erected for Willy Tybur's speech and the festival stalls were starting to be constructed properly alongside decorations which now were placed everywhere you looked. The late August sun shone brightly in the sky as everyone below went about their business, occasionally knocking into the lone stationary figure standing in front of a door on the main street. Me.

The house was a small one, as all houses in the zone were, and was decorated in white paint with a black door and a few windows. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, from what Bertholdt said about the district I was expecting slums. These houses in the zone weren't good that was for certain and they were definitely hastily constructed with lower quality but it wasn't as bad as I had expected. Taking a deep breath I stepped forward and closed the distance to the door, the black door with a metal knocker stared back at me as I raised my hand to reach for it. After a moment's hesitation, I rapped the knocker three times.

I held my breath as I could hear footsteps thud behind the door and the scuffling of keys, it was surreal to think that all around me people were going about their lives without a care in the world. Whereas I was facing perhaps one of the most pivotal moments in mine. The door creaked open which interrupted me from my thoughts and a small blonde boy popped his head out. The same boy who ran into me yesterday, he seemed to realise this as well as his eyes scrunched in worry, and put his head down.

Falco: Are you here to tell on me for yesterday?

I was taken aback by this.

Y/n: What? No, I-I well I do want to talk to your parents but not about you. It was harmless Falco don't worry about it.

Falco looked relieved at first then confused at my words. He opened the door a little more so that his whole body was visible and not just his head. Behind him, I could see a messy hallway and the smell of breakfast wafted out of a barely visible room which I suspected to be their kitchen.

Falco: How do you know my name?

Y/n: Can you get your mother for me? Tell her an important person is here.

Falco: Are you with MPS? Are we in trouble? I'm loyal to Marley sir I'm a warrior cadet, we're not traitors anymore I promise! I-

Y/n: Falco, relax. I'm not with MPS, I just want to speak to your mother. I think...I think that she might recognise me.

He looked confused but gave a small nod and shut the door. I waited patiently for an anxious minute or so before I heard footsteps once more. The door was wrenched open and Falco flew out of the house in his uniform without a second look back. He hastily pulled on his yellow armband and ran down the street shouting goodbye whilst checking his small brown bag for whatever he needed for the day. I was taken aback by the sudden move and was still in shock as I watched him turn the corner and run out of sight. A crash brought me back to focus, I looked down at the floor and saw a broken plate lying on the floor. I brought my face slowly upwards to look at the source of the broken plates, I felt my eyes beginning to water as I began to take in the face I had not seen in almost 17 years.

Y/n: Hey m-

A crushing hug enveloped me as my mother rushed forward, the washcloth she was carrying falling from her hands as she gripped me tightly. I could feel her shaking and quietly crying as she gripped me even tighter to which I reciprocated and buried my face into the crook of her neck, a few tears escaping my own eyes as I did so. We stayed like that for a minute or so before I finally peeled her off of me and took a step back. She said nothing as we stared at each other, her looking me up and down whilst I drank in the image of a woman I had long since believed to be dead.

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