The Braus Family

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The sign was pointing towards a vaguely recognisable road which led into the forest that I and Sasha had torn down around a week and a half ago. The road bore signs of activity, footmarks from horse and human alike alongside wheel marks showed that the people of Dauper village had moved back. As I neared the village I could see the drawbridge was fully lowered, I proceeded to cross the bridge and slowed my horse to a trot as I entered the much cleaner and livelier village. Some people recognised me from last time as I traversed the streets looking for Sasha or her family and waved at me or shouted greetings which I happily returned.

Y/n: Now where are you Sasha?

I couldn't see her after a few minutes of searching and realised from remembering her stories that she probably lived in the outskirts in the forest rather than the village itself so I began to ask around the village.

?: Oh the Braus brood? They are on th' edge of th' forest, bought a lot'a land recently to raise horses and livestock as well as the usual huntin'.

The hunter pointed me down one of the smaller roads which led to the east of the village and further away from the daunting mountains that towered over the village, I thanked him and continued on my journey. The forest was dark and thick yet lively, growling and snorting animals could be occasionally heard moving around in there and making a lot of noise which made me grip my reigns tighter.

Y/n: If a wolf or a bear or whatever comes for me then I'm finished, I can't fight back in this state.

The path continued to wind its way away from the village and towards the edge of the forest, the trees began to become less dark and clogged by shrubbery whilst the sounds of growling animals from before were replaced by the sounds of birds and the occasional breaking of a branch from a deer or hog. Finally I arrived at a turnoff where I could see a large clearing, there were a few empty fields with wooden fences surrounding them and a small barn. Deciding this must be her home or at least someone who knew where it was I urged my horse down the side path. I moved down the path and passed by the eastern perimeter of the field which I could now see more clearly, there were some horses on the far side and a flock of 20 or so sheep and a few cows.

?: Can I help you?

My head snapped to the left in surprise to see a small boy struggling to walk with a bucket of horse feed into the field through a gate. He couldn't have been older than 8 years old yet was all out here by himself and struggling to lift something that was clearly too heavy for him. He must have been hiding in the trees which surrounded the field.

Y/n: Hi kid, you wouldn't know where the Braus family are would you?

?: You want Mr Braus?

Y/n: Is he here?

?: No he left with Sasha on a hunting trip a few hours ago, I was going to feed the horses but he told me to wait to have and Sasha help me but I thought I was strong enough to do it by myself and i-

Y/n: Slow down kid, don't worry I'm not going to tell on you. In fact I'm here to stay with you guys for a while so why don't I help you carry that bucket back to the stables whilst I lead the horse there?

?: O-ok. Why are you here to stay with us? Did you lose your parents as well?

I winced uncomfortably before shaking my head, I picked up the bucket that the kid had dropped and dismounted so I could walk beside him.

?: So why are you here to stay then?

Y/n: Sasha invited me. What's your name kid?

?: Its Nicholas but the others just call me Nicky or Nick. What's your name?

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