
575 19 4

1 Year Later, Age 19

The early autumn rain pattered hard against the large window in my office, the occasional rumbling of thunder and flash of lightning illuminating the otherwise dark room which only possessed a single gas lamp on my oak desk. It was a grim day, even after all of the lengthy and boring paperwork I had completed that morning the weather had not improved one bit. I sighed as I looked over at the clock in the corner, it was almost time. Standing up tiredly I pushed the almost completed stack of files away from me as I made to close the red velvet curtain's on my window. Looking out onto the courtyard and streets below I could see many people running around, some in modern trench coats or using umbrellas trying to avoid the storm. It was good to see the real-time effects of the policies the military had put into place since opening up the island, even if they were displayed in miserable circumstances. The door opened and I turned around to see Hange's face peep around the crack.

Hange: The cars here, let's go.

Y/n: Right... let's get this done. I'll be there soon I just need to get my coat.

Y/n: Well at least it's going to be held inside.

I strode out of my office and locked the door behind me before quickly walking through the bustling corridors filled with members from all regiments, all casting the occasional glance outside to see if the weather had subsided. Unfortunately for me, it had not. It wasn't long until I reached the east wing of the large HQ and after turning left around the final corridor I found myself in front of my dormitory. I looked down at my wristwatch before quickly stepping inside in a hurry, I hadn't got a lot of time left until I had to meet the others. Before I could face the room after shutting the creaking door I heard a large belching noise followed by the splatter of liquid.

Y/n: Still sick?

Sasha: Yeah...

I almost ran to the coatrack we had placed next to our bed, passing by the crackling fire and the new framed photographs we had on our mantlepiece which brought back memories of more joyful days. The wedding which had taken place not long after we came back to Paradis was done in a hasty manner at the start of spring, a very warm day if I could recall and one which was possibly one of the happiest days of my life. The total opposite of today. I sighed as I pulled on my military trench coat and tied the pendant around my collared neck.

Y/n: You know you should really see a doctor.

Sasha: I'm fine, it's only been happening for the last week. And anyway I-

She vomited more into the bucket and I quickly removed any items which could get in the way of getting drenched in the foul-smelling vomit.

Y/n: The captain needs you back training in the elite squad, I doubt he'd be happy if you missed training for much longer. I'll get a doctor for you, if I don't then he will undoubtedly get one. You're just delaying the inevitable.

She crossed her arms and huffed haughtily before laying back in bed, staring at the ceiling under the warm quilt and finally responding in an annoyed tone.

Sasha: ....Fine. But don't expect me to be happy about it. I don't know what's wrong with me I don't feel that bad unless it's just after I wake up.

I fastened the last button on my coat before turning around and fixing her with a concerned look.

Y/n: I'll get a doctor on my way down, I'll be back later. Do you want me to bring you dinner from the hall or do you feel like you can eat with the rest of us?

She fixed me with an annoyed gaze and uttered her next words with a mixture of exasperation and annoyance.

Sasha: I suppose we'll see later, I'm sick. Remember?!

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