The Battle of Shiganshina

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Levi: Erwin he's gonna climb up.

A turn of the head showed Reiner in his titan kneeling and visibly hardening the ends of his limbs before breaking into a charge to the wall. Many shifted uncomfortably or took a step back in fear but I stared icily at my former comrade, prepared for the fight I had mentally grappled with for months.

Reiner reached the wall and began to slowly climb up, everyone's eyes were either transfixed on him or the commander who still had not made an order, clearly deliberating our next course of action intently. I could hear Eren's raised voice, asking the Section Commander questions further down the wall with the Levi squad in tow. It was clear that many were starting to panic or lose their nerve.

Erwin: That is the cart titan I assume L/n?

Y/n: Yes sir it is.

Erwin: So there may be other intelligent titans around.

Armin: The cart titan has... luggage?

Y/n: They can't need that many supplies for a limited amount of people, they have to mean something. They clearly intend to use them right? Considering she's standing next to Zeke must mean Zeke is going to make use of whatever is in those barrels.

Erwin and the rest remained silent, contemplating my words whilst formulating ideas of their own, all the while Reiner could be heard scaling the wall with his fingers carving deep grooves to help him grip. Zeke let out a loud roar and slammed a fist into the ground, about 5 seconds later the small titans came charging down off of the slope and towards us with eery grins on their faces.

Y/n: Zeke wouldn't send those titans when he knows they can't reach us, from all accounts he's pretty smart so there must be a strategy in place. We're safe on top of the wall, those titans cant get to us or our supplies but what about...

Armin: Commander! The Armoured Titan is close! And we still don't know where Bertholdt is!

Erwin: Yeah I know.

Y/n: Sir I think they're going after our horses, so we can't get back or get resupplied!


Levi: Are you finally ready to say something?

Erwin turned around and authoritatively cast his arm out and pointed at a detachment of scouts with a raised, clear voice.

Erwin: Dirk squad and Marlene squad! Protect the horses and the gate alongside Klaus's squad! Levi squad and Hange squad take down the Armoured Titan! Employ the thunder spears at your own discretion! Achieve this goal by whatever it takes! This moment, this battle! The future of our people depends on it! Dedicate your hearts!

All: Yes sir!

Everyone jumped off of the wall, I turned to Marco who was still clutching his telescope tightly and gave a questioning look, implying if we should follow our squad mates or stay with the commander. Levi and Armin began to rush off so I started alongside Marco to follow them.

Erwin: Wait! Y/n, Levi, Armin, Marco! I said squad Levi but I have different roles for you four in particular. Marco, I need a capable soldier capable of leading to shore up the recruits managing the horses, I can see they're already panicking so go assist Klaus's squad. Levi, you need to stay to assist as well but also to keep Leonhart in check, things can be made a lot worse if she gets out and on the loose.

Marco nodded and dove off the wall and hurried to the squads below who were wrestling with the frightened horses in an uncoordinated rabble.

Levi: Not to protect Eren?

Erwin: That's right, and to take the Beast Titan out when the chance comes. You're the only one I trust to take out the beast titan.

Levi: Understood, I'll make up for not delivering the Armoured brat's head earlier.

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