Moving Forward

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I knocked on the oak door in the medical ward, the old floorboards creaking with the weight put on them by myself and the doctors moving around the corridor. Light just started to pour through the window. The cloudy sky occasionally penetrated by the sun, illuminating us all in the pale autumn sunlight whilst the trees outside blew in the cold wind and the leaves littered the sides of the roads. I had been unable to get the captain to allow me to use a horse so I had been drenched head to toe in freezing water, causing me to shiver whilst clutching the warm wicker box in my hands.

Sasha: Come in.

I turned the doorknob to see a disgruntled Sasha sitting up in her bed, squinting eyes and her hair being all over the place which told me she had just gotten up. Smiling I made my way over to her and deposited the box in her lap before trudging to the fireplace and beginning to stack the wood up, intent on getting myself and the room a lot warmer.

Sasha: What are you doing up so early? I thought you said you'd come visit me tomorrow.

Y/n: Couldn't stay away from you for too long Sasha, besides I was bored listening to Armin beg the commander for the next expedition for the 1000th time so I came to see you instead.

Sasha: Oh thanks for letting me know I'm the second choice.

I chuckled at her dry response before getting the fire going, the heat instantly warming the room. I took off my green jacket and hung it on the door frame before sitting in the chair next to Sasha and stretching.

Y/n: You going to open that box? I had to spend a lot of money to get what's inside it and beg the cooks to fry it for me.

Confused, Sasha opened the box to reveal the meal of bacon alongside the eggs and bread I had procured for her. Without hesitation she began to consume the food without a second word, the drowsiness I had witnessed only a few minutes prior completely vanished. It didn't take long until she had finished.

Sasha: Got any more?

I raised my eyebrows at her.

Y/n: Do you know how much that cost me?

Sasha: I'm kidding I'm kidding...sort of. Hopefully now we took back Wall Maria we can have much more livestock, like it was before you know? We can have meat every day!

Y/n: How are you feeling? Any change from three days ago?

Sasha: A lot better, doesn't hurt as much anymore but I have to keep the bandages on for a bit longer. The wounds are still healing and they say I broke one of my ribs, gonna leave a nasty scar they said. Another two weeks in here before I can leave. If the shrapnel had hit just a bit above they said I wouldn't be here right now...

She shuddered and I took her hand comfortingly, deciding to change the subject before she got too wrapped up in the possibilities of what could have happened.

Y/n: Well it didn't so lets stop thinking about it shall we? Now I know how you felt trying to get in to see me or in fact seeing me like this, it's terrible.

Sasha: Yeah and think about how much you're here so maybe you can stop being so reckless and stupid and we can both call it quits on the medical department.

Y/n: Reckless and stupid huh?

Sasha: Yes, I could have said other things but I'm saying it nicely.

Y/n: Ironic, considering your current situation.

Sasha: It's not the same you-! Oh never mind I'm not arguing with you. So what is everyone doing? I've been so bored here by myself reading those old books they gave me and reports from the mission.

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