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Ymir: Someone's coming... about time its been two days since Erwin said he'd meet us.

Y/n: At least we can do something now.

Two scouts came up to the cell, the shorter one producing some keys and opening the cell door. He looked over his shoulder back at the corridor he came from before lowering his hood and allowing us to see his face.

Levi: Lets go, you make a wrong move and I'll kill you where you stand.

Y/n: Captain Levi? I thought we were seeing Erwin today? We were going to reveal the truth.

Levi: You will, but not here. Things are happening that's all I'm going to say so get up and let's get going.

Y/n: Cant go anywhere with these chains on-

A white hot pain erupted on my cheek, it felt like Marco had hit me all over again but 10 times worse. I couldn't even see I seemed to have blacked out for 5 seconds or so before I regained my vision and saw Levi scowling down at me. Ymir in the corner looked shocked but as soon as she caught my eye she smirked at me.

Y/n: Bitch...

Levi: What was that?

Y/n: Not you sir! I'm sorry for talking back sir!

Levi: Abel unchain them and lets get going, put these cloaks on. Tch even if you don't deserve them, you know how many people died because of you?

Abel: Damn traitors...

Y/n: I didn't do anything but I guess you will find out later.

Levi:... Let's go.

We made our way through the dimly lit and shadowy halls, it was clear something was wrong. There was a sense of foreboding in the air and everyone we passed gave off a feeling of tension. Ymir must have noticed it as well because she drew closer to the captain every time we passed a person. The journey to the stables took longer than it should have, instead of going through the main doors of HQ we cautiously exited through the less conspicuous kitchen area and around the side of HQ. Even when we mounted our horses we didn't leave from the normal exit, a side gate was opened for us and Levi ordered us to gallop hard to the districts exit.

Ymir: Somethings up, you seeing what I'm seeing Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah... a lot of MP's patrolling the streets, special ones too I've never seen some of those badges. Did the Garrison just leave and the MP's are taking over?

Levi: Keep quiet brat and ride.

The ride to the districts gate was silent, every street we passed had more MP's and it seemed that they all took note of us as we left. Some even mounted horses of their own and started to follow us.

Levi: Don't look back, we won't let them follow us we're taking a detour.

Ymir: But-

Levi: Shut up and follow orders or I'll chop your legs off and tie you to my horse, at least I wont have to worry about you transforming then. Its bad enough we have to take you like this, I told Erwin we cant trust you.

Ymir looked at me but I slowly shook my head. Erwin had told us not to tell anyone unless he was present.

Th ride was long, we appeared to be riding towards the HQ we used for operations just outside Trost yet we made a detour and stopped for a drinks break in the forest out of the way of the road and in a clearing. Or so I thought.

Levi: Abel, get down can you see them?

Abel: Yeah, they followed us as expected. Probably going to ask around the scouts there. Lucky nobody but Erwin and section commander knows where you guys are.

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