The charge to headquarters

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They had started to join us, slowly people made their way to the rooftops where Mina, Armin and I were. There weren't many left. Out of the hundreds that had started the battle there only looked to be a third of them left and all of them were fresh faced cadets. I had moved myself to the opposite side of the rooftop when Connie and Jean had arrived. I couldn't look any of them in the face after knowing I just essentially killed four people so I closed myself off, I had no tears left to cry or any emotion to expend. All that remained was a physical incarnation of guilt.

Marco: Has anyone seen Y/N? Anyone? He was in the front lines right?

Mina: He was but he joined us, saved me and Armin but when we got to the rooftop he moved away. He's still around here somewhere I think.

Y/N: Leave me alone, I don't want to see anyone. I just want it to end.

Reiner: Stand up YN.

I looked up slowly to see the warriors in front of me, looking down with some shocked and annoyed expressions. Sighing deeply I shakily stood up and looked them all dead in the eye.

Reiner: You've been crying haven't you. Is it because your squad died? I watched it happen from the tower, they weren't talented or very smart. Their deaths aren't on you, you made the right call to withdraw, you would've been encircled and most likely eaten. Are you okay?

Annie: Don't answer that. Can you continue the mission? Yes or no.

Bertholdt: Annie-

Reiner: Mission? What are you talking about of course he can look at his gear, how else would he get to HQ. He's a good soldier he's always got his wits and gear about him.

Annie: The mission idiot, I mean to retake the founding titan!

Reiner: Eh? Clear your head Annie you aren't making sense, I'm going to tell Marco Y/N's alright.

We watched him walk around the building as he then ascended to go and talk to Marco, Annie looked at me expecting an answer but I just made a clear noise of disgust towards her and looked away. Her eyes narrowed but he didn't say anything, she just followed Reiner. Then there were two.

Bertholdt: He's right they weren't your fault, they didn't watch for titans coming down the side streets it's on them. There's a reason you didn't die and that's because you aren't stupid Y/N and as Reiner said you always have your wits about you.

Y/N: Yeah a part of me knows that but I just can't help but feel that I led them to their deaths. They wouldn't have followed me if I didn't inspire them. Anyway...what happened to Reiner just now?

Bertholdt: I don't know, it's been happening a lot recently. One moment he's a solider of the walls and the next he's a warrior of Marley. It starting to worry me it's like he's two separate people that can flip in the blink of an eye.

Y/N: Well then... I suppose just keep an eye on him.

Bertholdt: Yeah we should, let's get back I'm sure they are worried about you...

Connie: Y/N! Oh man am I glad to see you, looks like you've been busy and- wait were you crying?

Jean: Drop it, Connie.

Connie: But-

Y/N: I led 4 people to their deaths, I thought we could survive but out of the 6 only me and another whose now injured survived. I'm a failure and I as good as killed them I don't care what anyone else says.

Marco: No you didn't! They voluntarily followed you, you didn't force them they died because of their own free will. Did they die fighting?

I nodded.

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