The first act

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Y/N: You know, before today I never realised how much I hate heights.

I was standing as central as possible in the elevator, unwilling to look over the edge or even stand too close to any side in particular.

Jean: What? You joined the military, a place which is renowned for flying in the air with odm gear and you're afraid of heights. You really are dumber than Connie sometimes.

Y/N: Yeah well I didn't exactly have a choice if I wanted to get close to the king did I? It's the only way!

My eyes widened as I realised my slip up, and I quickly turned to Jean in desperation that I would find a justification for my answer.

Y/N: I've just revealed our mission, shit what the hell do I do now?

Jean: You've been spending too much time near Marco as well, honestly the shit he comes out with about serving the royals, you better not start as well you've only just gotten better from whatever happened in the last few weeks.

Y/N:.... Yeah don't worry about that.

We were silent for the remainder of the journey which was agonisingly slow as we were pulled to the top of the wall at a snail's pace. At the top we were divided into our groups but I noticed one notable absence.

Y/N: Where is Sasha?

Jean: Missing your girlfriend already Y/N?

Y/N: Sh- shu shut up you horse face idiot!

I had seen her at breakfast, she had sat with Mikasa and was talking excitedly with her which had even given rise to smiles from the usually stoic girl but she took off shortly before we all left for our duties so I hadn't had an opportunity to speak to her about the previous night.

Connie started laughing and even Marco couldn't suppress a small chuckle at Jean's obvious joke.

Y/N: You'd think the joke would wear out with time but no, still as hilarious as ever apparently even after the years we've spent together at training.

This time was different however, instead of refuting Jean's claim or instead teasing him about Mikasa I simply turned away so they wouldn't see me blushing deeply and then start suspecting what happened.

Marco: Y/N, open up the hatch the cannonball needs to be removed before we can clean the barrel.

I turned round again after breathing to do as Marco requested before seeing that the task had already been done and Marco was standing next to the barrel with a smile. I realised my mistake in turning around too soon. I was still blushing deeply and I still had that stupid grin on my face that I got when I remembered what happened.

Jean: Oh? What's this, got something to share?

Y/N: Sh-sh shut up your horse faced idiot.

Jean and Connie however seemed to be filled with great satisfaction at my uncomfortable state and the next hour was filled with relentless teasing and prospecting of what happened, some outrageous claims were made which I had to shut down immediately. Those rumours could not be allowed to persist. I eventually had enough of the teasing and my anxiety at the lack of Sasha's presence, when she was scheduled to be here an hour ago, started to build so I decided to help another group.

Y/n: Hey Ymir, can I help they're starting to piss me off?

Ymir: Me and Krista are doing just fine.

Krista: Ignore her Y/N we'd love the help, could you lift that latch up whilst I grease the tracks?

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