Chapter 201

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Chapter 201 Genius Painter 5

    □□Ze had a good plan, but he didn't expect that the birthday banquet was not over, he didn't have time to do anything, and the police came to the door first.

    The place chosen for this birthday banquet is actually not far from the residence of the old man Fu, but the two grandfather and grandson were sent back to the old house in seven or eight minutes by car.

    Although Mr. Fu had the heart to chat with his grandson, his body is already very weak now, and he can't support it, so he can only ask him to go and rest first at will.

    From the age of five to the age of eighteen, the original owner lived here for almost one-third of the time, and his room is still reserved in the old house.

    Yang Yan received all of his memories, and there was nothing uncomfortable. He returned to his room familiarly, took a shower and came out, and the life-threatening phone rang.

    "Fu Yangyan!" Fu Tao's roar came clearly from the phone at a distance of thirty or forty centimeters. "What did you do? Your brother was taken away by the police. Are you happy now?"

    Before the original owner was caught in a scandal, this father also called and roared like now!

    Yang Yan sneered: "Why don't you ask your good son what he did to bring the police in." After that, he ignored his reaction, hung up the phone, and turned off the phone decisively.

    When Fu Tao called again, there was nothing but a cold voice. He was so angry that he threw his phone, and the phone at home was destroyed. This was the third phone he scrapped today.     "What did A Yan say?" Lu Yinyun cried and pulled at his sleeve, "Why did he frame A Ze, they are brothers!" He said angrily, "Don't you know what your son did? He even cried at me!"

    He is not a fool. Although he doesn't know what the second son did, he also understands that he must have done something wrong. Being taken away by the police, and the eldest son will be involved in the same thing.

    Therefore, it is very likely that the plagiarism incident this time came from the second son's handwriting. He was half-dead with anger for a while, and he was so angry that he decided to hand the company over to the second son to take care of it. What does he have to do with his eldest brother?

    He was also angry that he was caught by someone who did not secretly do things, and was taken away by the police in front of all relatives and friends, causing him to lose face.

    What I hate the most is the attitude of the eldest son. He has no respect for him at all. Sure enough, he was right at first. This is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. In the future, even if he feeds the dogs, his property will not be distributed to him!

    The birthday banquet was not over yet, the eyes of the people around him were like sharp swords stabbing at Fu Tao, so much so that he wished he could build a wall around him to surround him.

    "Don't cry," although he was already suspicious of his younger son, of course he wouldn't say what was in his heart, so in order not to let people see the joke, he could only pretend to be calm, "Come and see with me, what's the matter? Is there any misunderstanding?"

    "This matter must be a misunderstanding," Lu Yinyun had followed him for many years, and knew him best, she immediately understood what he meant, quickly wiped away her tears, and forced a smile, "Let's go talk to him. The police comrade will explain it clearly and it will be fine." The two men controlled their emotions, apologized to their relatives and friends, and even had a smile on their faces when they left, as if nothing had really happened.

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