Chapter 231

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Chapter 231 The Prime Minister's "Daughter" 19

    "Brother?" The seventh prince sneered, "I see this prince? He wants to be your brother, right?"

    There was a hint of embarrassment on Suo Yuxuan's face that he had been told the truth. The same mind? Including Lin Yudian and his wife, the reason why they sent him to be a book boy, also has this meaning?

    It's just that although she is grateful for Lin Yudian's life-saving grace and Alai's affectionate feelings, she is unwilling to give her life's happiness in return. She only has brother and sister love for him.

    "Why does Your Highness say such heart-wrenching words?" She lowered her eyes and said sadly, "In my heart, you are the only one from the beginning to the end, don't you know?"

    "Yu'er?" Although I had a premonition in my heart, I heard the woman I like confessing to another man with my own ears, and my heart hurts to the point of suffocation.

    The Seventh Prince was very dissatisfied that he disturbed his Yaxing, but now seeing the heartbroken expression on his face, his mood suddenly became better.

    "This prince understands what you mean." He embraced the woman's naked body possessively, and showed a contemptuous look at the man who was being held on the ground.

    Her palms flowed on her smooth skin, and she chuckled softly: "Want me to let him go? He's not bad, but he disturbed my interest just now, you have to help me find it again. ."

    Suo Yuxuan understood what he meant, his face involuntarily turned pale, and he was very angry in his heart: Who does the seventh prince think of himself? Those playthings in his house?

    But now the situation is stronger than others, her handle has been taken by others, and brother Alai's life is also in his hands? She has no right to refuse at all.

    Forcefully holding back the unwillingness in his heart, Suo Yuxuan stroked his slender fingers lightly on his chest, and his small mouth opened and closed, exhaling hot air in his ear: "Yu'er will serve to the satisfaction of His Highness."

    The seventh prince was so tickled by her that he gave the guard a look. The two quickly dragged Alai out and closed the door. He rolled over and pressed the woman under him, teasing: "Then let Ben The prince sees

    Yu'er's ability." Soon there were the coquettish groans of women and the heavy breathing of men, Alai was not taken away, but was pressed to the ground by two guards. , covered his mouth and forced to listen to the movement inside.

    He gradually stopped struggling. When did the guard let him go? I don't know, he was

    lying eyes were wide open, and the light in his eyes followed the joy inside. The sound became more and more dim, until it finally went out and completely lost his mind.

    I don't know how long it took, the sound in the room finally stopped, after a while of low-pitched laughter, the Seventh Prince came out neatly dressed, passed by with a light snort, and then left with a long smile.

    The laughter was full of disdain and contempt, but Alai lay there motionless as if he hadn't heard it. It wasn't until after a while, Suo Yuxuan walked out of the door and gently helped him up. With tears in her eyes, she called out, "Brother Alai..."

    Alai's eyelashes trembled, he pushed her away silently, stood up and went back to the room without saying a word.

    Suo Yuxuan, who was left on the spot, had red eyes, and after a long time, he hugged his shoulders tightly as if he was cold, and crouched down on the ground.

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