Chapter 291

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291 The True and False Prince 8

    There is only a seven- or eight-year-old child in the palace, and he is wearing bright yellow clothes. No matter how stupid Zuo Yangyi is, he will not be able to guess his identity, so although he finds it funny, it is not true. Laugh out loud.

    However, the people in the palace are all human beings. No matter how well-protected the crown prince is, he knows how to look at people's eyes. Besides, he is not very good at concealing his emotions, and his thoughts are easily seen.

    The prince immediately became unhappy: "You dare to laugh at the solitary."

    "I dare not," Zuo Yangyi was caught by the Marquis of Jinyang and urgently trained the etiquette in the palace, and then performed a non-standard etiquette, "See Your Highness, Your Highness, Chitose, Chitose, Chitose."

    I couldn't help but slander again, the thousand-year-old eighty-thousand-year-old turtle, the people in this palace don't know what's wrong, good people don't do anything but compare themselves to animals .

    Fortunately, the prince couldn't hear what he was saying, otherwise he would have been pushed out and chopped off on the spot?     The little boy himself was polite and could not bear the way he was hanging around, and his brows were slightly wrinkled: "Are you the companion who was given to Gu by the emperor, Zuo Yangyi

    , the prince of the Marquis of Jinshou?"

Arranged a companion for him, and the age gap is still so big, naturally he has already told him the ins and outs of the matter.

    Zuo Yangyi should be honest, so the prince called him to get up, and taught him with a small face: "Since you have entered the palace, you should observe the etiquette in the palace, and you will be the person by Gu's side in the future, so you should act and speak appropriately. Don't go out and be seen laughing at people from the East Palace."

    "Yes, I know." Zuo Yangyi really couldn't stand his old-fashioned appearance, but also knew that the person in front of him was something he couldn't provoke. If you get up, you can only be disciplined obediently.

    It was time for such a delay. The prince asked him to follow him into the room. Zuo Yangyi lowered his head and followed behind him. When he listened to the young boy's instructions to meet the teacher, all his patience before he looked up was completely undone.

    "It's you!" He was frightened, and he understood everything between lightning and flint. "Okay, I said who was behind me. It turned out to be you, a sinister villain."

    "Jinyang Hou Shizi," The prince knew the grievances between the two long ago, and scolded with a small face, "I just taught you so quickly and forgot it? How can you be rude to Mr.?"

    During this time, he had long been convinced by the teacher's talent. Knowing that he would be sent away from the Marquis of Jinshou Mansion, the reason for his injury after falling off the cliff was because this person disturbed him, so he naturally had no good feelings for him.

    "Your Highness, you don't know who he is, he he he..." Zuo Yangyi blushed, "Anyway, he is not a good thing, don't be deceived by him."

    "Presumptuous!" The prince sank his face. , "Mr. Su is a talented teacher, and you need to be courteous even if you are an orphan. How can you be slandered here?"

    Although he knew that he was the victim of what happened back then, his heart was full of feelings. He was biased, and the teacher was a valuable person. Not only did he not hold grudges when he suffered a great disaster, but he also tried every means to repay the kindness of the Houfu's upbringing.

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