Chapter 254

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Chapter 254 Gao Leng Sect Master 20

    In fact, the demon world is not much different from the self-cultivation world. The only difference is that the monks are used to living in houses, and the dojo has built many majestic and majestic buildings, while the demon cultivator advocates nature.

    For example, the fox people live in caves, which are decorated with stone tables and stone beds, and the tea cups and other objects used are also made of wood and bamboo, which is full of local flavor.

    As early as when he regained the inner alchemy, Bai Feng passed the news to the clan, and told his parents and clan what happened to him one by one. Therefore, Yang Yan received a very high courtesy in the fox clan.

    "Thank you Xianchang for saving Bai Feng's life. Xianchang is the great benefactor of our whole family." A group of young, middle-aged and elderly foxes knelt down in front of him, with a dozen fox ears on their heads and swaying buttocks. The fox cub with a big fluffy tail also ignorantly learned from the elders to do bow and kneeling.

    "What is the benefactor?" A little fox whispered to the little friend beside him.

    "I don't know, maybe it's a good-looking person?"

    "Oh...then I will be a benefactor when I grow up."

    "Me too."

    "Me too."


    A group of furry began Discuss how to look better, some say that you need to take more baths, some say you can put flowers on your head, some say that adding hair is more beautiful...

    They think their voices are small, but they don't know that all their childish words are used by their elders. They got it in their ears.

    The elder of the fox clan embarrassedly said: "It's a joke to the immortals, these children don't know etiquette."

    Even so, he did not shout out loudly, the fox clan advocates nature, and they can educate the children of the clan, but they don't. Too restrained, the cubs are just playing around and doing nothing wrong.

    However, he was still worried about making Xianchang unhappy, and looked at his face carefully, preparing to ask the fox to take the little guys out as soon as he saw his dissatisfaction.

    Yang Yan did not feel disgusted, smiled slightly, and said, "It's okay, they are very cute."

    After living for an unknown number of years, he will always be more tolerant towards the cubs, and these furries of the fox tribe are just exceptionally smart, Not particularly naughty.

    As long as parents who love their children, there is no one who doesn't like to hear others praise their baby. Yang Yan said this, and the eyes of the elders of the fox clan looked at him more eagerly. He used to be grateful to him as a benefactor, but now he regards him as his own family. .

    Yang Yan has traveled all over the world, and can't stand his excessive enthusiasm, so he quickly said: "Feng'er received a letter for help from the clan before, but the above is not clear. What happened, please tell me as soon as possible."

    Only then did the elder of the fox clan restrained his smile and became worried.

    Back then, when Bai Feng went to look for her missing fiancé, in order not to worry the clansmen, she left a message when she left, so she never returned, but the prince came back with all her tails, and the patriarch immediately went to ask what happened.

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