Chapter 232

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Chapter 232 The Prime Minister's "Daughter" 20

    In an instant, everyone's eyes were focused on the direction he pointed, Suo Yuxuan's face was pale, and his thin body trembled uncontrollably.

    She never expected that her hidden secrets would be revealed without warning and in public, and in front of the emperor, she didn't even have a chance to argue.

    "The girl knows the crime." Knowing that it is futile to say anything at this time, the emperor only needs to send someone to check the truth, and her own existence is irrefutable evidence.

    Suo Yuxuan knelt down on the ground with both knees, and simply admitted his identity. He only hoped that the article he had written earlier would catch the emperor's eyes, and maybe he could win a chance for himself.

    However, she also knew that there was little hope. The world was harsh on women. Even if she was full of talent, she might not be able to escape being stigmatized by others. She was finished, she was really finished.

    At this moment, she really hated the immortal master who revealed her identity. They had no grievances or hatred, why did they harm her like this?

    Suo Yuxuan bit the tip of her tongue hard to suppress the hatred in her heart, but she didn't expect that the next moment, the person she hated would speak for her amid the scolding of the court.

    "She can stand out among thousands of students and come to the palace exam, it proves that she is really talented," Yang Yan's usually light face showed a little dissatisfaction, "Why do you just because she is a daughter, so Negative her talent?" The

    noisy hall just now quieted down, but soon someone said with disdain: "Even if a woman is a little talented, what if she is lucky enough to be on the Jinshi list? Women are born to be attached to men. Could it be that she still has the ability to be an official?"

    "It is only natural for a woman to have children at home and manage the housework. She is not worried about mixing with men in the room. After she loses her innocence, which man would dare to ask her? "

    Please, Your Majesty, severely punish this woman, so as not to spoil the world's women and disrupt the ethics of this world."


    "What about women?" Yang Yan frowned lightly, "Mother Nuwa fills the sky and becomes holy, the Queen Mother of the West is in charge of Yaochi's magic power, Doumu Yuanjun is the mother of all stars, Bixia Yuanjun saves the world..."

    He listed ten in one breath. Several world-famous goddesses looked around, and no one dared to look at him: "The gods in the sky are not divided into men and women. They are awarded the honored position by their own strength, but mere mortals have high self-esteem."

    His tone They were full of contempt and disdain, but none of the people present could refute them. Not all of them believed in gods. The key was that their immediate superior, the king of a country, believed it!

    What if Punishing Yiyi's eloquence wins him? When the old emperor wears a small shoe back, who can bear it?

    Moreover, they are also empty in their hearts. If this immortal master, who is rumored to be magical, performs some miracles, and they still can't see through it, well, most of their careers are over.

    However, they are not reconciled to asking them to agree with him. It is true that a woman will join the court and will be on an equal footing with them in the future, so why do they have so many face?

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