Chapter 229

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Chapter 229 The Prime Minister's "Daughter" 17

    I heard that he even ate people to death, but the old emperor was not worried at all. Since the immortal master can lead him here, there must be a solution.

    Sure enough, Yang Yan immediately said: "It should be the wrong time to eat. Many foods will produce poisonous substances when they are immature, or when the buds go bad, so people can study it.

    " Yes," the old emperor's enthusiasm was not at all dispelled by this incident, he smiled kindly at the Yang family, and said, "After I order the imperial doctor to investigate? If it proves that this thing can be eaten, I will definitely remember you. A great achievement." Hearing the

    words, there was no joy on Yang's face, and he knelt down with a plop, his face turned pale, and said: "The women are guilty."

    "Don't be afraid, madam," the old emperor puzzled . ?, comforted, "The so-called ignorant is not guilty, I will not blame you for a little offense before, on the contrary, you have discovered something beneficial to the country, and I should reward you."

    "The women dare not lie to the emperor?" Yang But Shi bowed his head and said, "The woman was originally the concubine of the prime minister's house. Because she

    was afraid of the harshness of her mistress, her married daughter unfortunately died of illness, and she escaped with a suspended animation of death." It also involves the former prime minister of a country, and carefully asks about the cause and effect of her affairs.

    Yang's only concealed his son's affairs, what will happen? What about suspended animation? What about escaping from the prime minister's mansion, and he couldn't help crying when it came to the sad part.

    She is really depressed for too long, in the prime minister's mansion? Although she has no worries about food and clothing, she lives in fear every day, for fear that her son's identity will be discovered, she doesn't think Qi Xuan can protect her Their mother and son, otherwise the first few sons would not have died unclearly.

    Fortunately, after the son was free of the shackles, he soared into the sky, and even the honorable Emperor His Majesty also respected him.

    Qi Xuan didn't think it was her son's fault because of her son's calamity. On the day Qi Xuan was executed, for the sake of husband and wife? She dressed up and went to see him off.

    Listening to the executioner reading out his crimes one by one, she had only one thought at the time, that this person deserved what he deserved, and she felt chills when she thought that she once shared a bed with a person with bloody hands.

    That's hundreds of lives! Although he didn't die directly at Qi Xuan's hands, it was all because of his orders, and he killed so many people. Could it be that he wouldn't have nightmares when he slept at night?

    Yang Shi originally made some of his favorite food, and

    planned to have someone deliver it to him, at least not to be a starving ghost. Seeing the victim's family in the court, he was both sad and relieved and shouted that he was evil. Evil retribution, and even applaud.

    All the pity and guilt in her heart disappeared for a while, she turned around and left, and the things she brought with her were also distributed to beggars. People like this don't deserve the kindness of others!

    After listening to her story, the old emperor didn't make a decision for a while, and Lu Ying knelt aside in his heart? He was so anxious, Yang's was still calm. After the experience? There is a high probability that it will not be pursued.

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