Chapter 266

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Chapter 266 Genius Ghost Hunter 4

    Zeng Zijin really hadn't slept very well these days. Now the yin qi has been suppressed, and the body no longer feels that heavy and weak. When he returned to the room, he almost touched the pillow and fell asleep. This sleep lasted for the whole day, until he was hungry. wake up.

    After eating in the room, washing and tidying up, when he walked downstairs and appeared in front of everyone again, the haggardness of the morning had been swept away, and the whole person looked refreshed and more handsome.

    Yu Fu made no secret of her obsession, and her eyes had been glued to him from the moment he appeared. When Zeng Zijin noticed her gaze and raised the corners of her lips wickedly, she lowered her head blushing. His eyes were wet with shyness.

    Zeng Zijin seemed to enjoy this feeling of being infatuated with, his smile deepened, and his eyes were full of self-satisfaction, but when his eyes fell to the side of the young man with an indifferent face, who didn't even look at him, his expression stagnated, and his eyes gradually became stagnant. become unpredictable.

    Yang Yan was keenly aware of a faint malice, turned his head and looked at him up and down, and said as if he didn't notice: "It seems that you slept well."

    "Thank you Master Zhang for not sleeping for a long time. It's so fragrant." Like every boy of his age, Zeng Zijin smiled without haze, full of sunshine.

    "Don't be too happy, the yin in your body is only temporarily suppressed," Yang Yan poured a basin of cold water on him with a cold face, "If you don't remove it completely, it will recur in half a month at most."

    Zeng Zijin His smile was barely noticeable for a moment, and soon became brighter: "That's okay, Master, you're still here anyway, just remove it for me when you're ready."

    "It doesn't need to be prepared, but... "..."

    "But what?" Zeng Zijin took his words curiously.

    "I have to add more money." Yang Yan spit out three words indifferently, like an emotionless money-collecting robot.

    Did you get into the eyes of money? Only received one million labor and wages in the morning!

    At that moment, Zeng Zijin almost didn't utter foul language. Years of upbringing made him control it in time, but his eyes couldn't help but turn fierce for a moment.

    However, Yu Fu did not have the patience as he did, and immediately shouted angrily: "Zhang Yangyan, don't go too far, isn't one million not enough?"

    "So your grandfather's appearance fee is so low? "Yang Yan raised his chin slightly, "I was fired for one million against a thousand-year-old ghost. I'm sorry I'm not that cheap."

    "Who do you say is cheap?" Yu Fu was almost mad at him, "My grandfather. That's because he is thinking about the world, sometimes he doesn't take a penny, what kind of person are you asking for, Master Luo?"

    "This..." Luo Yongyuan was innocently cued, neither side was easy to offend, he could only He said vaguely, "Thousand-year-old ghosts are not easy to deal with. If one is not good, one's vitality may be severely damaged."

    In fact, he was also a little strange. Before, Master Zhang never cared about more money and less money. It was all given by the owner based on his conscience. To the poor point of not taking a penny, and even posted upside down.

    Why is it all money today when he opens his mouth and shuts his mouth? Could it be that he had given him a signal earlier to let him know that this time it was a fat sheep, so he grabbed the wool with all his might, or did he have some grudge with the Zeng family?

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