Chapter 287

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Chapter 287

    The fact that the brothers of the Su family were studying was not hidden from outsiders. The villagers only felt that their family was drifting away, but because of the presence of Master Juren, they could at most mumble a few words in their own home, and they would not dare to gossip outside.

    But this matter fell in the eyes of others, but had other interpretations.

    In the Marquis of Jinshou Mansion, Zuo Yangan sneered after listening to the servant's report: "He understands that he has no future, and wants to train the wastes of the Su family to do things for him?"

    "My mother-in-law is a fake son . Dafang, I am afraid most of her self-confidence has been given to him, otherwise how could he have the courage to support such a large family for nothing?"

    He couldn't help but show resentment when he was young, and he was also in his first-mother's childhood when he was young. She had been raised under her knees for two or three years, but as soon as she had her own flesh and blood, she couldn't wait to drive him out, without caring about the mother-son relationship she once had.

    Now that she knew that she had raised the fake son as a parent-child for so many years, she had become a good person. She didn't drive him away on the spot, but wanted to stay by her side as an adopted child.

    Although he is a concubine, he is still in the blood of his father. He is a lowly peasant son who has nothing to do with him. How can he enjoy the treatment that he can't get?

    "Master," the servant carefully guessed his thoughts and made a vicious gesture, "Do you want to find someone to abolish the brothers of the Su family and completely cut off his hope?"

    "No need," Zuo Yang An shook his head, and seemed helpless, "My good brother! I have been used to being praised since I was a child. People who have never suffered are always very innocent."

    "He thought everyone was like him . You can’t forget how many years you just read books to get a name?” When he said this, his face was distorted with jealousy, “How many rich and powerful children are enlightened at the age of five and ask famous teachers to teach them, but they may not be able to become talents with all their hard work. "

    A few peasant sons who work hard labor, they didn't start to read until they were in their 18th, 9th and 20th years. I'm afraid their brains are dead. Do you expect them to learn it?

    " He really laughed so hard that tears came out of his eyes.

    "I'm looking forward to them being able to learn a little bit. Only in this way will my good brother spend more energy on them, wait three years, five years, ten or eight years..."

    "The more you pay, the more The higher the expectations, the more they will learn when they really have something, when he is full of hope..."

    He loosened his five fingers, the cup in his hand fell to the ground and shattered into pieces, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "In a blink of an eye, all the All expectations have come to nothing, and I can't wait to see the expression on his face!"

    "Master, this is a wonderful trick!" The servant flattered, "Su Yangyan has been depressed since he lost his legs. Day, this time he will cheer up because he thinks he can turn over."

    "When he thinks he is going to succeed, we will destroy his hopes. At that time, he will definitely fall into deep despair and be in pain."

    "Don't . Before I mentioned that word in front of me," Zuo Yangan smiled and looked at him coldly, "disgusting." The

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