Chapter 246

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Chapter 246 Gao Leng Sect Master 12

    While the Three Realms were fighting endlessly over the series of essays by Lay Sea King, the ten people who were the center of the accident were happily at Sheung Shui Peak. The double cultivation of nine men and one woman lasted for three years before it ended.

    This is because Lou Yu is really too full to be promoted to God Transformation, otherwise they may be able to linger for a long time. After all, they are all monks who suck the wind and drink dew, and there is no need for mortals to eat and excrete.

    The dark clouds in the sky were so low that they seemed to be able to reach out and touch, and there were no bright lightning flashes in the middle of the rolling clouds. This scene was like the end of the world.

    Nine men with different characteristics stood outside the scope of Jieyun, looking at the slender figure standing proudly under the cloud from a distance, their eyes were full of worry about her.

    But they can help everything, only Lei Jie can only survive by herself. Once she comes forward, she will be acquiesced by Jie Yun as a multi-person robbery, and will adjust the strength according to the person with the highest cultivation base, but it will harm her. .

    Compared with the worries of several people, Lou Yuzhen didn't have much fear in her heart. She just had a feeling that her practice would go smoothly until she ascended.

    Facts have proved that her feeling is not wrong. When the first thunder came down, she found that this seemingly mighty thunder calamity was actually not as strong as it appeared.

    One after another, the thunder tribulations descended, and the nine men were frightened and trembled, not even blinking, for fear that if one of them didn't pay attention, she would be injured, or even more unacceptable...fall.

    But Lou Yuzhen dealt with it very easily. She didn't even use the magic weapon that the men collected for her. She met the thunder calamity with her fleshly body, and her body was made stronger in the pain that was not too severe.

    Three days and three nights passed, and only the last of the ninety-nine thunder tribulations remained. She looked at the shining light with a smile that was bound to come on her face. It was even stronger when added up, and it directly knocked her out.


    Seeing the robbery cloud slowly dissipating, and the golden light representing the promotion was pouring down, the nine men rushed over, looking at the charred lover who didn't dare to touch it, heartbroken.

    "I'm fine," Lou Yuzhen let out a sigh of relief and complained in a coquettish voice, "It's so hard to get over the calamity, and people were almost killed by lightning."

    Usually, she always likes to stare and pout like this. It seems that the eyes are bigger and the face is smaller, and there is a bit of naughty in the charming, very lovable.

    But she didn't know that her face was black at this time, just like two eyes growing on a piece of black charcoal, no amount of beauty was covered.

    The few people surrounding them avoided their sight in unison, and the most immature prince of the demon race, Hong Yu, couldn't help laughing: "Haha! Yu'er, it's funny how you look now!"

    Lou Yuzhen The expression on his face froze for a moment, and he immediately turned into a water mirror. When he saw his ghost inside, he suddenly let out a scream that broke through the sky.

    After she took care of herself and accepted her lover's congratulations on her smooth promotion, ten people sat together to discuss how to deal with the Sea King layman who slandered them behind his back.

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