Chapter 243

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Chapter 243 Gao Leng Sect Master 9

    The six-eared grass that can ignore the peculiar condition of Jueling Cliff and can float in the sky is really rare. It took Yang Yan nearly half a year to gather enough grass leaves to send all eight disciples there.

    Afterwards, several girls went through their own retreats and practiced under his guidance. They all experienced pain and torture, and they had blood and blood to avenge. They worked hard enough without anyone's supervision.

    As a result, Yang Yan has nothing to do, he dare not cultivate, for fear that if he is not careful, he will lead to a lightning calamity and be rejected by this world.

    As for finding revenge for the hero and heroine, it is really difficult for him to fight against nine under the circumstance of suppressing his cultivation, and once he let go of his hands and feet, it is still the same sentence, I am afraid that he will fly up accidentally, so he really can't move.

    However, it would be too cheap for them to just let them be happy like this. Not to mention the unwillingness of a few apprentices, Yang Yan himself felt uncomfortable, and after thinking about it, he decided to give them some trouble.

    The male protagonist is actually shameful. At least they didn't have the nerve to spread the news about their nine men serving one daughter together. People from their respective sects occasionally noticed that their lover was getting too close to other men, and they were also used by them." Fairy Hanyu is too good, there will inevitably be suitors" and so on.

    Therefore, although the disciples of these sects are somewhat dissatisfied with Lou Yuzhen, they have discussed it in private, but there have been no unbearable rumors.

    Yang Yan is very sorry for the hero and heroine. How can they be unknown and unknown to their great love, which is so epic, unprecedented, shocking and shining through the ages?

    It must be that everyone in the world should know how deeply and how passionately they love. It is best to be praised by the world, and it will be passed down for hundreds of generations in the future, so as to be worthy of their selfless love.

    So Yang Yan began to devote himself to compiling a script. Although he had never done this kind of thing before, he had never eaten pork or seen a pig run. Besides, there was a blueprint. Lou Yuzhen's first novel was soon written.

    In it, her main experiences are all true. On this basis, Yang Yan spends a lot of pen and ink on the blood of dogs, and describes the relationship between each male protagonist and her in a delicate and moving way, and there are many beautiful words interspersed in the middle.

    In a word, it is necessary to be emotional and passionate, with ups and downs in the plot, sincere love and entanglement, and even in the era of endless novels, it is a rare and eye-catching novel, let alone in A relatively conservative comprehension world.

    Shortly after the script was sent out, it caused a warm response. The vest "Sea King Lay" that Yang Yan picked up quickly became popular. While discussing the feelings and experiences of the hero and heroine in the story, the monks also guessed his identity.

    From the name, some people guess that he is a hermit who lives by the sea, some people guess that he lives on a small island in the sea, and some people guess that he is a demon cultivator in the sea. They don't understand the meaning of the word "Sea King". Far from the truth.

    However, the popularity of the storybook was not high, Yang Yan felt that it was not enough for the hero and heroine to make a name for himself, so he brought out the fairy net made by the third time through the cultivation world.

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