Chapter 267

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Chapter 267 Genius Ghost Hunter 5

    After a full hour of pain, the yin qi in the two of them subsided a little, and as soon as Yu Fu calmed down, she looked at Uncle Yang and Aunt Li with extremely unkind eyes.

    Her heart skipped a beat, and she glanced at Zeng Zijin, who was also tormented, and the wicked complained first: "Zhang Yangyan! The first task of our Heavenly Master is to protect ordinary people, why do you have nothing to do? Ah Jin has become like this?"

    "It seems that Ms. Yu is very clear about the customs of the Celestial Master, so why did she rush over regardless?" Yang Yan slightly raised the corner of his lips, "Could it be that you did it for the sake of Harm me?"

    "Don't talk nonsense!" Yu Fu raised her voice with some guilty conscience, "I saw that Ah Jin was in so much pain, he couldn't help it..."

    "You can't help but make him suffer in vain. More pain," Yang Yan sighed softly, "Originally, the yin qi is about to be removed, why are you suffering?"

    "If you hadn't violated the principles of the Heavenly Master, how could things have become like this?" Yu Fu Angered, "If you only care about yourself and don't protect ordinary people, are you still worthy of being a Celestial Master?"

    "No way, I am very worried about my own life, so I wear a protective amulet with me, and it will automatically rebound when attacked by Yin Qi. , I can't stop it from happening too fast." Yang Yan took out the jade pendant around his neck and shook it.

    Then he said: "Originally, I thought about Zeng Shao's safety and set up a formation around me to ensure that even if the ghosts came, I would not be disturbed. Who would have thought that it was not the ghosts that brought the disaster, but you, a living person? "

    Yu Fu was speechless for a moment, everyone else thought so carefully, and it seemed that there was nothing to blame, but she did bad things with good intentions.

    "I'm sorry Ah Jin." Seeing her boyfriend's distressed appearance, she was filled with guilt, "I can't help seeing you in so much pain."

    "I don't blame you, Afu," Zeng Zijin held her hand weakly. Hand, "I understand that you are worried about me, and you don't want to."

    "Ajin..." Yu Fu was moved to tears, "You are so kind to me."

    Zeng Zijin is not in the mood to talk to her right now, so he patted the back of her hand perfunctorily to appease, and looked up at the indifferent young man: "Zhang Tianshi, what should we do now?"

    "Do it again?" Yang Yan After he finished speaking, he quickly added, "Four million."

    "You're also temporarily raising the price!" Yu Fu couldn't bear to ask, her voice almost screaming.

    Yang Yan poked out the irritated ear: "Ms. Yu has forgotten that half of the yin has entered your body, now it is two people who need to do it."

    "I don't need you to do it for me." Yu Fu puffed.

    "That's fine, it's still two million." Yang Yan said indifferently.

    "I'm going to trouble Master Zhang again, but it may have to wait until tomorrow. I really don't have the strength right now." It's a lie to have no strength, and it's true that I dare not bear that kind of pain in a short time. I shuddered, it was so painful.

    "No problem," Yang Yan nodded and suggested "kindly", "I'll help you control the yin pressure first, don't worry, it's free this time." It

    doesn't matter whether it is money or not, the important thing is to let them taste more A little pain, it will be more painful when the yin pressure is removed, so it makes sense to say that free is the most expensive.

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