Chapter 256

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Chapter 256 Gao Leng Sect Master 22

    After seeing the reaction of the demon emperor, the master and apprentice planned to look around for the place where the fox demons were imprisoned. After hearing the demon queen's proposal, they were not in a hurry, and decided to follow Hong Yu to see if he would really "take care of him". "Fox clan and other monsters.

    Prince Hongyu left the Demon Emperor's Palace after saying goodbye to his mother. He seemed to be very worried along the way. He didn't notice the two tails behind him. When he reached a fork in the road, he hesitated and chose the road on the left.

    Bai Feng felt a little excited in his heart, took Master's hand, and wrote in his palm: [The road on the right is the direction of his bedroom. 】

    Yang Yan understood in an instant, patted her paw soothingly, and the two continued to follow with their eyes closed.

    They followed farther, because they used ignorant spells on their bodies, which would make those who saw them subconsciously not notice them, and there were no dangers along the way.

    After a while, I saw Hong Yu walking to a tower, but he didn't enter the tower, but went around to the back, and the two quickly chased after him, only to see him get into a rockery, and he disappeared in a flash. trace.

    "This is the Demon Refinement Tower. It is said that all the demons who have committed heinous crimes are detained in it. Hongyu took me to see it before, but I didn't expect there are other prisons behind the tower. It seems that they have been guarding me. "

    Bai Feng said in a flat tone, not much sadness. As early as when she learned that the Demon Queen and the Demon Empress covered Hong Yu's sneak attack on him, she already understood that they didn't have much sincerity for this marriage. , and now it only confirms this more.

    Yang Yan patted her head, comforted the little apprentice silently, turned around and started to study the formation on the rockery, and soon found that it was the same as the formation covering the entire demon palace, and it required a special token. You can only enter with a password, and if you forcibly break through the formation, you will immediately alert the guards.

    However, in his eyes, this formation is not without flaws. It is inconvenient for demons to come and go outside the Demon Palace. Demons are rare here, but you can try them out.

    Instructing the apprentice to pay attention to the surrounding situation, Yang Yan began to dismantle the formation. He moved very quickly. Bai Feng knew nothing about this. He only saw Master's hands waving constantly in the air, and his ten fingers had a special rhythm.

    "Okay, let's go in." I

    don't know how long it took, the man whispered back to her sanity, Bai Feng woke up suddenly, only to realize that he had lost his mind. Fortunately, there were no demons passing by during this period. Otherwise, they must have all been discovered.

    She blushed in shame, and hurriedly apologized to the master. Yang Yan did not criticize him, but only told her to be vigilant in the future and drag her into the battle.

    The scene in front of them suddenly changed, and the two of them were already in a dark hall, surrounded by prisons, each of which was full of all kinds of monsters, and they could be seen from the fence gate. Not very good, one of them is the fox clan.

    "What kind of monster trespasses the forbidden area?" The

    two people landed in the center of the entire ring-shaped prison. There was no shield around the surrounding area, and their whereabouts were undoubtedly exposed. Hong Yu was standing in front of the cell where the fox clan was imprisoned. came up.

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