Chapter 238

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Chapter 238 Gao Leng Sect Master 4

    The so-called treasure of the demons is a giant dragon in ancient times, which was condensed for ten thousand years after the death of grievances.

    Unexpectedly, not long after the two sides fought, before he had time to use it, he was taken over by the current Demon Lord Zeyu who was lurking in secret, and he took over the treasures accumulated over thousands of years, including the poison.

    Zeyu Demon Zun is as ambitious as his predecessor, and has the heart to conquer the world, but he died in the middle of the road to domination after meeting the heroine.

    He met Lou Yuzhen the first time, but because he didn't see his true heart, he did a lot of things to hurt her. When we met again, she already had eight excellent men by her side.

    After a lot of chasing after me, abusive romance, I finally got the beauty back, and for various reasons pinched my nose and agreed to share it with a few others.

    But he was never willing to add another original owner who had never done anything, so he used the poison of this resentment to eliminate potential rivals.

    The poison that the previous Demon Venerable refined with the resentment of the giant dragon can be described as extremely sinister. After entering the body, it will not only cause the monks' meridians to be confused and the infuriating energy to go away, but also entangle the soul and affect the mind.

    The original owner was able to escape after his death in the previous life without being lost, and he also relied on Yang Yan's soul fragments scattered in his soul for preservation. Now it took three months to remove the toxins.

    Before the poisoning, the original owner was already in the late stage of God Transformation. He didn't dare to practice too much, fearing that he would immediately lead to a lightning calamity to ascend to the upper realm.

    Outside is an endless wilderness, and the immortal's relics behind him collapsed with a bang as Yang Yan left. This was a treasure that the original owner accidentally discovered a hundred years ago when he was practicing.

    At that time, he randomly chose a relatively safe place in his memory, but he knew that after several months of practice, the spiritual energy inside was exhausted, and the cave could not be supported and turned into a waste.

    This place was originally left by the ascended cultivator to be inherited by the destined people. When the original owner discovered it, he already had his own way of cultivation. on hand.

    Yang Yan touched his nose a little embarrassedly, thinking that only in the future will have the chance to help him choose a suitable apprentice to make up for it.

    The idea has been decided, he was about to leave Yu Jian, but a figure stumbled towards this side, saw someone here from a distance, and immediately shouted for help: "Fellow Daoist help!"

    Yang Yan's five senses It was still a few miles apart, but it was enough for him to see the appearance of the person who came. The person's voice sounded like a young woman.

    The long hair was scattered and covered most of his face, and the exposed areas were covered by dust and blood. The clothes on his body were also dirty and cracked, and he looked very embarrassed.

    If it was a human being who was chasing her, Yang Yan would look at the situation and talk about it, so as not to save the gangster by mistake, but it was only a monster who was chasing her, and he shot without hesitation.

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