Chapter 264

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Chapter 264 Genius Ghost Hunter 2

    Luo Yongyuan was in his forties, with a slightly fat body, wearing a dark gray jacket with a pair of fronts, with a straight body and a straight body, which was very in line with the world's imagination of high people.

    Coupled with a well-spoken mouth, although the real level is worrying, he does well in J City, and many rich people will respectfully call him "Master" when they meet.

    At this moment, this Master Luo, who looked indifferent to the richest people, squeezed out a flattering smile in front of Yang Yan, and his round face opened with several folds like a steamed bun.

    "Master Zhang, please take a trip. The female ghost I met this time is too powerful. I am afraid that there are more than a thousand years of cultivation. I can only think of you if the entire flower country can deal with her."

    Don't look at him Now to please him like this, when the original owner first met him, his chin was so high that he squinted from top to bottom when looking at people.

    But the reality soon taught him how to be a human being. That time, the two met a grudge, and Luo Yongyuan's half-bucket of water quickly knelt down. If the original owner hadn't pulled him, it is estimated that the grass on the tomb is growing now. to one person tall.

    "Speak well and maintain your character," Yang Yan raised his hand and brushed aside his wounded bun face, and said rudely, "It doesn't matter if you are treated as a liar, don't implicate me."

    Luo Yongyuan put away his smile , and returned to his arrogant and arrogant demeanor, but the tone of his speech was aggrieved: "Master Zhang is still so indifferent to me, and he doesn't think about our close friendship at all."

    "Thank you, I'm not familiar with it." Yang Yan's face Even more indifferent, "I'm disgusted again, I'll go back in the car right away."

    "I was wrong." Luo Yongyuan didn't dare to offend this ancestor, he quickly apologized, and made a zipper gesture to express his determination to shut up.

    The car finally returned to quiet, Yang Yan continued to close his eyes and rested. The environment outside the car gradually became quiet and quiet, and finally quieted down after an hour. The destination of their trip had arrived.

    Luo Yongyuan got out of the car first, and was greeted by an old butler in his fifties in front of the huge mansion. He had a proper smile on his face, but there was a trace of worry that could not be hidden between his eyebrows.

    "Master Luo, you've worked hard, this is Master Zhang's apprentice?" He looked at the young man who followed him and got out of the car. He was a little unsure of his identity for a while, and his eyes kept looking into the car.

    "Don't look at Butler Wang anymore, this is the Master Zhang I said before." Luo Yongyuan's posture in front of outsiders is still very reserved, and he can't see the second-hand look before, "The 309th generation of Maoshan The chief disciple, the direct disciple of the head."

    This is the art of speaking, it is clear that there is only one descendant of Zhang Yangyan in Maoshan's generation, but from his mouth, it seems that the division is prosperous, and he is the big disciple of the head. The quality has also improved a lot in an instant.

    Butler Wang saw him so young before, as if he had just come of age, and he was still a little beaten in his heart. After listening to Luo Yongyuan's words, he instantly gained some confidence, and the smile on his face became more sincere: "As expected, it is a young hero from ancient times, our young master. Just ask Master Zhang."

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