Chapter 311

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Chapter 311 Interstellar Legend 12

    "Siyangyan, I'll take care of your whole family—" With Wei Cang's shrill curse, the car rushed out of the edge of the cliff, and just as it was about to take off, a suction suddenly came from below the canyon.

    The two of them stopped in the air for a moment, the whole car shook, and finally there was a roar in the car, and hot smoke emerged from the gaps in the dashboard, etc., and then fell in a straight line.

    At this moment all the equipment failed, including the monitoring and communication equipment built into the protective suit that followed them, and there was only a piercing screeching sound.

    Wei Cang's eyes widened and his face was full of horror. He knew that he was going to die. His lips were trembling and his head was speechless. He turned his head and glared at the man who killed him.

    "How does it feel to be trapped by the trap you set?" Yang Yan raised the corners of his lips gently, even though his communication equipment was broken, his voice clearly reached the other party's ears.

    He got it! Wei Cang's brain instantly lost the ability to think, and only this sentence was played back and forth.

    "Farewell, little cannon fodder wearing a book." Yang Yan had no interest in admiring his face before he died. He punched the hood of the car, jumped on the front of the car, waved at him, and pressed his feet hard, the car fell faster.


    Wei Cang stood up and tried to grab him, but he couldn't even touch the edge of his shoe, he could only watch him hang in the air, and he was getting farther and farther away from him.

    A huge sharp claw suddenly emerged from below, and the car, whose material strength was comparable to that of a spaceship, was torn apart by its sharp fingernails.

    The sharp teeth penetrated his body instantly, and Wei Cang swallowed it before he could even snort. Bright red blood flowed down the corner of his mouth, and was licked clean by its rough big tongue. Not even a trace was left.

    Yang Yan watched him indifferently as he was swallowed up cleanly, and there was no sadness in his heart. Some people are not as good as animals in life.

    After swallowing Wei Cang, the alien beast under the canyon let out an earth-shattering roar, and then swiped the ground behind its back and spread out a pair of fleshy wings and flew up. A pair of blood-red eyes were full of greed for flesh and blood. appetite.

    Only then did Yang Yan see its full picture. This alien beast was bigger than any one on Chaos Star, almost as tall as the real interstellar alien beast, and had wings that other cloned alien beasts did not have.

    And as the records say, they have an extraordinary interest in the flesh and blood of human beings. Even through the protective clothing, they can smell the human smell on him, and they are drooling at him at this time.

    While he was observing, the alien beast rushed towards him impatiently, with a mouth wide open, and a little flesh and blood stuck between its sharp teeth.

    Yang Yan easily dodged its attack with a slight step, opened the laser sword and swung it backhand, hitting the center of its back, but not a single trace was left. The alien beasts that arrive must be tall.

    The alien beast didn't get punished and took a hit. Although it didn't hurt or itch for him, the little bug's resistance obviously angered it. It turned in the air, turned its head and bit him again. Only the waving of his claws blocked his left and right and back escape routes.

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