Chapter 307

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Chapter 307 Interstellar Legend 8

    Wei Cang's departure had little effect on Yang Yan. Since returning to the military academy, he has spent the rest of his time on the Star Network except for the school's classes.

    There are so many novel things in this world waiting for him to understand, the exotic flowers and plants on different planets, the ore materials that have never been seen before, the flying like that can travel through the entire galaxy in one month, and the same as interstellar beasts. The size of the precision mecha.

    It's too late to learn and understand these new things. Where is the free time to pay attention to a little book-piercer?

    Wei Cang, who followed his every move through his eyeliner, didn't believe that he would let him go. He heard that he was on the Internet all day, but he even more determined that he was in contact with someone, and was ready to find an opportunity to deal with him.

    It just so happened that he didn't intend to let him go!

    Wei Cang sneered in his heart, silently recalling the plot in the book and the memories of his previous life, calculating when and where to set up a net of heaven and earth to send him away in one fell swoop, and soon he remembered a suitable node.

    This day, Yang Yan was still as usual. He was about to leave as soon as the get out of class was announced, but was called by the instructor in time and asked to stay. The first rule of the Longteng Military Academy is to obey absolutely. room, watching those teenagers who took the initiative to increase their training sweat.

    The instructor gave instructions to the diligent students one by one, and then came to him: "Si Yangyan, basically every student in the class has additional training after class, why have you never done it?"

    " Report to the instructor, I have learned all the content you taught, and I have passed the test every time." Yang Yan answered honestly after saluting.

    The instructor was swallowed. Of course, he knew that this student learned quickly, and his test scores were always A grades. Unlike those students who were detained, they needed to put in more effort to get good grades.

    But it is precisely because he sees that his aptitude is good that he doesn't want him to waste it. He should not only value his achievements like ordinary people, but should work harder to climb to a higher level.

    However, looking at the young man's appearance, he may not listen to his blunt advice. Fortunately, he already has a good idea: "In half a year, the major military schools will jointly hold a competition for hegemony. I have recommended you to participate on behalf of the school. Get a good ranking, don't fall into the prestige of our school's number one ranking."

    It turns out that the plot has already progressed here! Yang Yan had a sudden feeling. During this time, he was addicted to study and research, and he hardly paid attention to the outside world. He almost forgot about it.

    The so-called hegemony competition is actually a bit like a sports meeting in modern society. It is held every two years, but the competition is not as gentle as a sports meeting. Now that the alien beasts are putting great pressure on human beings, most of the related activities of the military school are related to them. Somewhat related.

    This grand event was jointly held by more than 30 military academies. First, the outstanding students from each school competed individually, but the most important thing was the last item. Teams from each school entered Chaos Star to hunt alien beasts.

    Speaking of which, this Chaos Star is also well-known in the interstellar space. It was originally used for cloning experiments of interstellar alien beasts. Later, those test items got out of control, countless alien beasts rushed out of the cage, and the entire experimental base was destroyed.

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