Chapter 301

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Chapter 301 Interstellar Legend 2

    Yang Yan is not a murderer. He killed the rest of the star pirate ship and lost his fighting spirit. After he put down his weapon and surrendered, he stopped. At this time, there were two or three hundred star thieves. The regiment has only more than 80 alive.

    In order to prevent the ship from capsizing in the gutter, he first surrendered all the weapons of these people, and then ordered them to rescue the surviving people on the passenger spaceship, and then fished the rescue capsules to the pirate ship, and then began to interrogate the seriously injured leader. .

    "I took the order on the dark web." The leader was a strong man nearly two meters tall, but at this time he was missing a hand and a leg. Although the bleeding stopped, the pain was still there, and his face was pale. It looks a little pathetic.

    Da Jue knew the fate he was about to face, and his whole body was more than half of his energy, and he looked sluggish: "Someone spent 100 million stars to buy the lives of the whole boat on this ship, but who is the buyer? I don't know."

    His heart was full of remorse, he knew that there was such a murderer on board, he wouldn't say anything to take the order for the huge bounty, and now it falls into his hands, even if he can save his life , when the army arrives, what he will face will only be lifelong sex.

    He seriously suspects that the buyer is here to kill God. It's really hateful. Buying someone's life without telling the strength of the other party makes him fall so big. If he knows who he is, he must not be able to. Make him feel better!

    Yang Yan saw that his expression did not seem to be fake, and he did not continue to ask questions. He turned and left the prison room. Along the way, he paid the gratitude of those who were rescued, and thought deeply about the reason why things went wrong with the original owner's memory.

    If he can spend 100 million star coins to buy people's lives, the buyer must be rich. The spaceship he is on is very ordinary, and he has specially inquired before that there are no people with special status who are on the same flight.

    Out of an intuition, he thought that the person was probably coming for him. As for the reason, either there was a change in the book-piercer, or there was someone else who knew about the future.

    Otherwise, it cannot be explained that he is just a freshman from an ordinary family in the military academy, and even if he has extraordinary aptitude, he has not threatened any wealthy person, to the point where he wants to have sex.

    But no matter which middle school it is, I believe the answer will be revealed naturally when the school comes. If you want to get rid of him while he is still weak, the person behind the scenes may have made a wrong calculation.

    After two hours, the garrison of the nearby planet finally came over. They were first shocked by the tragic situation on the scene, and then surrounded the pirate ship.

    Fortunately, the captain of the original passenger spaceship who took over the communication on board, sent the situation here in time, which avoided a conflict.

    When the garrison first received the news, he couldn't believe it. He defeated the entire star thief group with his bare hands and robbed the other party's spaceship. Isn't this a joke?

    However, when China Unicom connected the video, I saw that the passengers on the passenger ship were indeed holding weapons, and the star thieves were injured and disabled.

    Although the signs in the middle and middle indicated that what they said was true, out of prudence, the garrison still sent three teams of ten to board the pirate ship. After confirming that it was not a trap, they connected two spaceships for custody and comfort. .

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