Chapter 294

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Chapter 294 The True and False Prince 11

    Time slipped by like a stream of water. In the blink of an eye, Zuo Yangyi had been in the East Palace for half a year. During these six months, he was almost isolated from the world. There was an order from the emperor. Even the masters and servants in the harem had never seen him.

    Because of this, Manchu Wenwu, who initially envied the Marquis of Jinshou, gradually smelled a different breath, and the look in his eyes changed from the sour lemon before to a little sympathetic.

    They all suspected that the prince actually angered the prince after he entered the palace and was executed in secret. His Majesty made that decree in order to cover up his son. The matter is over.

    The Marquis of Jinshou also had this kind of suspicion. Although he felt that it was too muddy to stick to the wall, he was his own son after all. These days, he hinted to the sage from time to time that he wanted his son to return to the house.

    He didn't know what to do if the guess came true. After all, it was the father and son of the Heavenly family, and he was a handsome prince outside, but the fate of the family was also a matter of two people's words, and it was impossible to compete with it. , but always requires a result.

    The gossip in the capital quickly spread to the emperor's ears. For a while, he didn't know whether to be angry or to laugh. The imagination of his courtiers is really rich day by day.

    But for the sake of his own reputation and the prince's reputation, he really couldn't keep holding on to other people's sons, so he simply sealed a second-class bodyguard with a stroke of a pen and ordered him to guard the East Palace. Family.

    Don't underestimate the second-class bodyguard, that is the fourth-rank official position. You must know that the champion of the imperial examination is usually a sixth-rank official in the Hanlin Academy.

    Although the military position in the current dynasty was one level lower than the civilian position, it was already a very high starting point for young people who were just entering the office.

    Besides, Zuo Yangyi has also joined Teacher Su's intensive training team in the past six months because the prince has also improved. He has forged a deep friendship with him, and his future prospects can be said to be limitless.

    However, this matter is known only to the people inside the Eastern Palace. The emperor protects the only one and only Miao Miao without any leakage, as long as he does not allow no one to dare to spread the matter in the Eastern Palace.

    People outside are still sympathizing with the ill-fated Zhenshizi, and I don't know if they are so envious that their eyes are almost red.

    "I'm going to leave the palace later." Zuo Yangyi had been looking forward to this event from the first day he entered the palace, and when he really got what he wanted, he was actually reluctant to part, "This time... Thank you."

    He is not the kind of person who doesn't know what to do, although at first he thought that this righteous brother was deliberately tossing him, but after a while he realized that he was actually thinking of himself.

    In fact, he has always been grateful in his heart, but at that time, the practice of sex was too bad, only by cursing him could he have the motivation to keep going, and only now has he finally spoken out what he had hidden for a long time.

    "You don't have to take it to heart, just treat it as compensation for the resources I occupied for more than ten years." Yang Yan said with a half-smiling smile, "You don't have to be reluctant, Your Majesty has hired me to serve as a tutor in the palace, and we will meet often in the future. Yes ."

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