Chapter 296

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Chapter 296 The True and False Prince 13

    When Zhang Leizi heard the news of the Su family, Zuo Yangan already knew that Yang Yan had gone to the palace half a year ago to be a servant in the East Palace, and he was nosy and pushed Zuo Yangyi to the emperor and the prince. before.

    Looking at his younger brother, who exuded a strong aura and was completely different from before, Zuo Yangan almost clenched his teeth with hatred. What the hell was going on with Su Yangyan?

    It was obviously Zuo Yangyi who made a noise to send him away, which caused him to fall off a cliff and become disabled on the way. The Hou Mansion ignored him afterward. He was lucky to climb the high branch, but he actually turned back to support him. he?

    Zuo Yangan felt that there might be something wrong with Su Yangyan's brain, and he had a deeper taboo on him. When he was still in the Hou Mansion, he used to press his head everywhere. Own.

    Therefore, when Zhang Leizi reported the news, he had already made up his mind that he could not keep him any longer. What would give him hope and break it again? Although it was very happy to torture people like that, but if I let the scourge live, I am afraid it will appear again. what variable.

    So he called his confidant to give some secret orders, and then took out most of the net worth he had saved over the years and handed it over to him to arrange things.

    Zhang Leizi was just an ordinary farmer, and it was nothing to let him monitor the Su family, but when he heard that he was told to kill people, he was almost scared.

    However, under the so-called heavy reward, there must be a brave man. When he saw the full fifty taels of silver, his heart was shaken again. You must know that this is only a deposit, and the man promised him that there will be twice as much after the success. Silver Reward.

    On one side is the life that has nothing to do with him, and on the other side is the wealth and wealth of the second half of his life, he hesitated for a long time, then he gritted his teeth and decided to do it.

    Yang Yan, unaware of the danger approaching him, lived in Su's house for three days. Except for the first day, the family was very happy to eat and drink leisurely, and from the second day onwards, he took up the education of his three brothers.

    The three of them have not been lazy in the past six months, but without him, they would inevitably relax a little, and they were suddenly arrested by the younger brother and the master.

    Yang Yan checked and filled the gaps for the brothers, assigned new homework, and then left a sentence, which shocked them to the point where they almost lost their minds.

    "What? Examination for Xiucai?" The

    three of them looked at each other. Big Brother Su, as the eldest brother, had no confidence in front of the fourth brother, so he cautiously said: "Fourth brother, is this... a little too fast? The fifth brother has learned a few more years than us. If we go..."

    "It's not that we worry about ourselves, it's not that you are also a servant in the East Palace, and the one who teaches is the prince. If we don't pass the exam, we will lose your face."

    To put it bluntly, they are not without confidence.

    Yang Yan smiled lightly and said, "I'm not telling you to leave the game right away. There is still more than half a year before the autumn test next year. As long as you focus on your studies and don't get distracted during this time, you can give it a try."

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