Chapter 315

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Chapter 315 Interstellar Legend 16

    Although the research has made some progress, Chen Suo and others seem to be very cautious in promotion. Although Yang Yan seems to be alive and kicking now, they have not forgotten that they just came to the Dawning Star (the original trial star No. 19, no. As he expected, he changed his name!), the destructive thunder.

    If this is the price of bringing those "qi" into the body, at least they have to make sure that most people can withstand it before they dare to spread it out, otherwise if they reach a certain level, they will be killed by lightning. The casualty rate against interstellar alien beasts is even higher, so it is completely unnecessary.

    However, this is destined to be a long process. Yang Yan did the math. The person with the fastest cultivation speed may take ten years to form a pill, which is still under smooth conditions.

    During the Qi training period, there is one person who can build a foundation. Among them, there are hundreds of people who have the ability to form an elixir, and the first thunder tribulation will not come down until the qi is transformed into an elixir. The elixir is not only the accumulation of spiritual energy, but also Pay attention to mood and opportunity.

    In a word, Chen Suo and others really have to wait to see whether this method is safe or not. It is as short as ten years, and even he can't give an exact date.

    But I believe that they will find this sooner or later, so Yang Yan will not worry too much. The problem he faces now is that he entered the Longteng Military Academy originally to learn more ways to deal with interstellar beasts.

    And his current ability is a bit redundant if he is enrolled in the school. The meaning of the military department is to let him go to the army in advance, even if according to the algorithm of the interstellar era, he is still a minor, and human beings have really been swayed by interstellar alien beasts. problem for too long.

    It just so happened that he wanted to see this kind of creature for a long time. Although the original owner had it in his memory, he didn't face it directly, so he couldn't compare the faint familiarity in his heart, so he had no objection to it.

    So on a sunny morning, Yang Yan waved goodbye to everyone who had been with him for more than a month, and got on the spaceship heading to the front line. He was here for the third legion of the Xiao family, the Xiao family where the original book heroine was. .

    However, Xiao Qiuling should still be studying at the Fuxi Military Academy at this time. I think there is little chance for the two of them to meet. Speaking of the previous life, the original owner and her were dismantled by the book wearer.

    Although the two met, one was Wei Cang's fiancee and the other was his friend. They avoided each other because of their identities. The original owner didn't have feelings for him as in the book, so he could only be called a mess. A familiar face.

    If the core of this life is replaced by him, it is even more impossible for them to be between them. If the protagonist CP party finds out, they will not cry and faint in the toilet?

    It took another ten days to reach the station of the Third Legion. The human site in the interstellar era is really too large. Even if the spaceship uses space jumping technology, the speed is far faster than the speed of light, but it takes a lot of money to go out once. time.

    "You are Si Yangyan?" The receptionist Xiaobing showed a warm smile when he heard his name, "I'm looking forward to you, come, I'll take you to see General Xiao."

    Yang Yan replied shyly. He smiled and said, "Trouble you."

    "No trouble, no trouble," he was pretending, but Brother Xiaobing was really shy, "It's all I should do." The

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